Halloween is an interesting night for hookups with its own peculiar array of pros and cons. One Hallow’s Eve back in my 20s, I remember having this realization as I made out with a guy at a party. He was dressed as Frankenstein. I’ve never gotten green greasepaint makeup all over myself while making out before … I wonder if it will make me break out? The thought distracted me while we sucked face.
This is an example of a uniquely Halloween hookup issue. The makeup did not make me break out for the record. And he got back together with his ex-girlfriend the following week, so that’s that. But these types of things good things to know. After the jump, some more ways hooking up on Halloween is different.

Source: Living Hours
1. You don’t know how he normally dresses, so you can’t be as judgey about his shoes as you normally would be. For example, this may be the only night of they year when Tevas are acceptable if, say, he’s dressed as a hiker or a Dave Matthews Band fan.
2. You’re already half-naked, so getting undressed is not a big deal. Actually, it’s a relief to peel off that itchy, smelly. whatever it is you’re wearing. You’ve probably never gotten undressed so quickly in your life.
3. You ate so much candy, that you can blame any bad decisions on sugar insanity. Or maybe you spent a lot of time by the punch bowl. You can blame it on the spirits. Whatever the reason, blaming your embarrassing hookup on Halloween is easy and totally acceptable.
4. You have no idea what he’s going to look like in the morning and vice versa. Surprise! He’s cute when he’s not caked in blood!

Source: es.euronews
5. No excuse needed to dress your sluttiest. Usually I know a guy for longer before I’ll dress up like a slutty pirate wench, but hey, it’s his lucky day.
6. You don’t know if his obsession with your baby costume was just a one-night thing or a serious fetish. Hopefully not a fetish.
7. It’s totally normal to wear masks during sex. It’s not like a thing you need to discuss beforehand and make sure he’s comfortable with it and you have a safe word.
8. The “walk of shame” is waaaayy more obvious. When it’s November 1st and you’re catching the train home in a wrinkled cheerleader costume, everyone has your number. I say, own it.
Original by Ami Angelowicz