As each year goes by, people are constantly trying to find new ways of improving their health without wasting too much time or money. The truth is, small changes in your life can add up to huge benefits, and that’s something that all of us should look forward to.
In this article, we are going to share some useful information and most of them are going to be complete no-brainers, meaning that they are tested, proven to work and you shouldn’t think about them all that much. We think, you do the doing if you want to put it that way. Let’s end this introduction right here and take a look.
1. Morning smoothie

Source: My Kitchen Love
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a phrase that you often hear from the older generations, and it’s a very famous saying that exists for a good reason. Although apples are healthy and are a great source of energy, why stop there?
You can make a morning smoothie that consists of many fruits and other healthy ingredients and begin your day with a nice vitamin-bomb that will keep your immune system high as the Eiffel tower. When this gets in your routine, you will quickly get used to it and whenever you miss out a morning smoothie, you’ll feel like something is missing. Trust me, it’s that great to feel healthy.
2. Meal Preparation

Source: Naturalnie o zdrowiu
The next time you feel “too tired” to make yourself a healthy meal, put down that phone and think once again about the decision you’re about to make. Sure, being too tired from work is a good reason to order food, but is it worth it to pay for something that harms your health?
Unless you’re ordering from a restaurant that serves only healthy food, it’s a bad decision. Meal preparation is something that you can do every Sunday when you have free time. Even one meal for each day of the week is something that will make a huge difference, so try it at least once.
3. Physical activity

Source: YEG Fitness
Physical activity is the best thing that you can do if you want to become healthy. You don’t have to do huge amounts of work every single day at the gym unless you want to become a professional athlete, but about thirty minutes or an hour of cardio and some weight-lifting is more than enough to keep your body in shape and healthy.
If you don’t like going to the gym or doing any sort of resistance training, you can try any kind of sport. Basketball and Football are always fun to play and they are more than enough to work your body. Three times per week is all you need.
4. Drink More Water

Source: Achieva Life
There are so many benefits of remaining hydrated that it’s impossible to write them all down in one single article. We’re just going to say that you should give your best to drink a lot of water every day to clean your body from harmful toxins and stay energized throughout your day. You’ll also sleep better, which is very important if you have trouble sleeping.
When you’re well-rested your performance at work increases, you are less likely to get frustrated and you’re healthier in general.
5. Use a non-toxic mattress

Source: ELGi blog
Not many people pay attention to what kind of a mattress they’re using, but believe it or not, this is something that matters a lot. If you’ve never really shopped specifically for a non-toxic mattress, chances are that you’re using a regular one that’s full of bacteria and parasites. If you only knew the difference between using a non-toxic mattress from Sleeping Ninjas and using a regular one, you’d switch immediately.
6. Go easy on the sugar

Source: Wisata, Kuliner & Travel
Whether you’re drinking gallons of soda or you’re swallowing candies like there’s no tomorrow, it might feel good at the moment, but you’re setting your body up for failure in the long run. Avoid eating sugary and processed food, and you will instantly feel better and even see results in your body composition. If you’re wondering where all that excess body fat is coming from, stop eating these for a while and you’ll see.
People that eat so many candies are usually doing it because they are not aware of all the healthier ways that you can satisfy your sugar craving with. There are tons of fruit-based cakes and sweets that are ten times healthier.
7. Don’t stress too much

Source: Wirtschaftswissen
No matter what you’re going through in life, don’t take it as hard and worry less about things in general. Stress is one of the main causes of sicknesses and other awful conditions, so try to reduce it as much as you can or eliminate it from your life.
If it’s work, you’ll get it done. If it’s a hard break-up, you’ll find a new partner and things will be beautiful once again. Nothing is worth sacrificing your health for, because a few years after, you’ll look back and laugh at the problems that you once thought were significant.
8. Treat yourself

Source: La Mon Hotel
If you’ve recently completed a project at work successfully, or you reached a new personal record at the gym, make sure to reward yourself for it. Life is not just about work and nothing else. Sure, being successful and reaching new milestones feels great, but there’s a lot more that you should explore and do.
Every once in a while you need to let go. Go at a party, visit a festival, talk to someone and simply live a bit. You’ll feel much better.
9. Travel more

Source: Telegraph and Argus
You might disagree that traveling has anything to do with health, but read a few studies on it and you will immediately change your mind. Even doctors recommend traveling because it make you feel a lot better, especially if you are a person that constantly feels anxious or depressed.
Visiting new places is amazing, and while doing that you’ll also meet tons of new people and share some thoughts with them. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet your future partner on these adventures.