Being a good motorist required more than good driving skills. It is all about being ethical and considerate during your time on the road. While there are good motorists and bad ones out there, you can always find out which kind of motorist you are. The way you maintain your vehicle will also tell a lot about the type of motorist you are.
However, for the sake of other drivers and pedestrians that you drive by every day, you can try and practice the following so that you don’t become a pain to the rest of the community;
Slow down when driving by people in a rough road
We all know how fast moving vehicles can raise clouds of dust and make everyone around uncomfortable. Most motorists ignore pedestrians and end up covering them with dust. In case you don’t know it, dust can cause illnesses especially if it contains something poisonous. Since roads are roads, you never know what has been there before you. By slowing down when driving past pedestrians on a dusty road is a sign of respect and will have you drive away with praise rather than curses.
Be ready to help other motorists
We all know that vehicles do break down. As a motorist, the worst thing you can ever do is to drive past a stranded motorist. However, you need to be extra vigilant before you do so mainly at night. Your instincts and eyes should help you decide. However, if it is daytime in a safe environment, then you have no option but to help. If your heart is finding it hard to give in to your soft side, then try to see yourself in the shoes of the other motorist.
Offer lifts
Sometimes the people you speed by the roadside are heading several kilometers towards where you are driving to. The thing with most motorists is that they don’t trust anyone and you can never blame them since most of them have experienced the worst. You may think that you are helping out only to realize that something is missing from your car. However, this should not stop you from helping out. You can always keep an extra eye out so that no one picks anything from your car. It’s all a matter of being watchful.
Always carry around your toolbox
You may think that you don’t have to bring a toolkit for your car because you don’t expect it to break down maybe because it is brand new or in excellent condition. However, someone else may need it out there. It can be disappointing when you are willing to help out only to realize that you don’t have the solution with you at the moment. Your first aid kit should also never leave your vehicle the same as the toolbox. You never know when you may need them for yourself and not to help out.
Motorists should have a good impact on the community because they are more advantaged when it comes to moving. As a good motorist, you should always be ready and willing to help out, and that will make the world a better place.