Girl. You are not alone! You are not alone.
Caprina Harris captured a video of her granddaughter learning about Obama’s eventual departure from The White House as well as the rules of Presidential term limits. The child’s reaction is basically how we all feel right now tbh.
Harris asks her: “Tell me why you’re crying.”
She answers: “Barack Obama is fixing to go”
This girl is NOT READY FOR OBAMA TO LEAVE. And honey, neither are we!!!
Even the White House official Twitter account got word of Caprina’s granddaughter’s sorrow, implying that Obama had seen it and answered to her:
“Caprina, tell her to dry her tears” —@POTUS: #ObamaAndKids
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) February 20, 2016
Afterall, Obama has been her president her entire life, how could she picture a world without it?
[CNN]Original by: @KatraHigher