There are a lot of factors that can affect your golf performance. Some professional golfers believe that their nutrition/energy levels can change the way they play. Others cancel their game due to adverse weather conditions. Let’s take a look at these factors and debunk some common myths:
Knowing the best techniques will not help you play well if it’s rainy and windy outside. Factors such as humidity, air pressure, the temperature can directly affect the golf ball and your scores.
It’s not a secret that wind is one of the worst enemies of golfers. Only professional players can predict the direction of the wind and calculate their strength. If you are a beginner, it’s essential to try playing in all weathers. It is the only way to adapt to different circumstances on the course. Most professionals avoid playing when it’s rainy, but sometimes they have no choice. Keep in mind that rainy weather can lower your concentration and make you feel uncomfortable.
The wind might be not the best ally when it comes to your performance, but playing in the rain can put your life in danger. Let’s not forget about the prospect of lightning, especially during the summer months. If you can’t cancel the game when it’s rainy, find some waterproof gear, gloves, and trolley cover in or physical store. You might also need zippered trousers bottoms and waterproof pair of shoes.
Another thing that can lead to worse performance is low temperature. It doesn’t only make you feel uncomfortable, it can also affect your ball. It has been proven that low humidity combined with cold weather doesn’t allow your ball to travel far away. A few years ago, some professional players tried to keep their golf balls warm in order to achieve better results. Golf Laboratories performed a test a few years ago – they proved that this approach doesn’t work since golf balls adjust to the outside temperatures instantly.
Also, it’s more challenging to concentrate when you are cold since your body is using all your energy to warm up. That’s why you need to dress in layers. To feel warm during the game, you should have winter gloves, loose-fitting shirts, a moisture-wicking shirt, pullover, long pants, and a jacket.
Before playing golf, you need to eat the right food that can supply you with consistent energy and increase stamina, improve your concentration, and enhance your physical strength. First of all, you need to drink plenty of water before the game. According to studies, dehydration is one of the major causes of low energy levels. If you don’t drink enough, you might even feel sleepy on the course.
Secondly, you need to avoid overeating. You don’t have to eat a heavy meal in order to boost your energy levels. Before the game, eat some nuts, peanut butter, fresh fruits, protein bars, and beef jerky. There are always some fast food courts next to the course- don’t be tempted by them!
Keep in mind that it takes up to four hours to play a round of golf. That’s why you shouldn’t skip breakfast and lunch before the game.
Some golfers feel very nervous before and during the game; their hands are shaking, and they cannot concentrate. It is a normal reaction. Some professionals admit that they can feel this shaking when they play in front of thousands of people. If you also feel anxious, apply these simple strategies to beat nerves and shoot lower scores:
Medical professionals recommend applying specific breathable techniques in order to cope with stress. First of all, you need to get comfortable – sit in a cart or stand up straight. Secondly, start breathing deeply through your nose and fill your belly with fresh air. You need to feel your belly rise every time you breathe in. Also, you can say in your mind ‘I’m calm and focused’.
Relax muscles
When people are stressed, they feel muscle pain and tension. To relax your muscles, consider going to the sauna or hot tub before the game. Also, you can squeeze and apply pressure to sore muscles in order to increase blood circulation. If you have some time, perform light cardio workout or get a professional massage.
The bottom line
To improve your performance, you need to think of factors that can affect it. If you are a beginner, avoid playing when it rains. Also, you might want to cancel the game in case it is too cold outside since low temperature and humidity can affect the way your golf ball travels.
Drink plenty of water and eat light food before the game. If you feel nervous, apply specific strategies to beat your nerves.