According to a study developed by Sahlgrenska Academy from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), dentophobia (fear of going to the dentist) is an increasing problem in the population and requires a solution for lower statistics. According to this study, 50 percent of the world’s adult population suffers from some kind of fear when going to a dental clinic and, in extreme cases, can cause extreme stress and dental phobia, which leads to danger. Important in their oral health.
In a Swedish university study, strategies used by patients to overcome the fear of going to the dentist were analyzed. One of the experiments was filling out a questionnaire in which patients told what they were doing to be more resistant to dental care.
Among the resources used is self-efficacy, which is trying to repeat oneself that is able to overcome treatment, and that is strong enough to overcome the fear of putting yourself in the hands of a specialist. Another way is a distraction, which is trying to divert the mind with pleasant thoughts, mind games, or other strategies so as not to focus on dental care and thus neutralize the fear of dealing with it.
Other patients use a technique to keep their distance, try to calm all the sensations associated with the dentist’s intervention, and think that they are not as pleasant as they were initially intuited. There are also cases of people praying or internalizing prayers so that treatment ends as soon as possible and suffers as little damage as possible. The use of optimism as a technique to ward off fear is another option for many people. They try to think that everything will be fantastic when dental treatment is finished.
But there is no doubt the best the fact that this study leaves us in terms of its conclusion is that the best way to overcome dentist fear is a sense of humor, not only by patients but also by specialists because it is showing that a positive and pleasant attitude reduces stress and increases well-being. Therefore the specialist is also responsible for creating a relaxed and comfortable environment in his cabinet to break psychological barriers and show patients that there is no fear of fear. However, in many cases, fear is really real and hard to ignore. Often, the two things that trigger dentophobia are a pain in the long run, and pain during the anesthesia process. Treatments that can ensure the bacteria that cause infection are gone, and anesthesia without pain are two factors that eliminate dentophobia in addition to psychological therapy.
Poland? A country in East Europe? Why do you recommend a dental clinic in Poland?
Dental tourism in Poland is becoming increasingly popular!
Poland is increasingly becoming an important point in the dental tourism map. More and more Germans, British or Scandinavians, are coming to this country for dental care. Patients are attracted to high-quality care, and the price is much lower than in the west or north of the continent. Despite variable exchange rates, accommodation and flights, dental care in Poland are beneficial for foreigners. Foreign patients also appreciate the fact that the household office is equipped with the latest technology and materials. Medical tourism is an increasingly important branch of the entire economy.
The Polish Medical Tourism Association estimates that the market value of these growing foreign patients mainly uses dental services in Poland. For several years, Poland has been with the Czech Republic and Hungary among European leaders in dentistry. Prices are much lower than in Western Europe. – For patient pockets, this means double savings. Some treatments in Poland can be several times cheaper. The combination of sophistication and austerity is a determinant of Poland’s good position in the world of modern dental care.
Innovations in dentistry in Poland
Most dental clinics in Poland use very good materials; they have very good equipment. Doctors and dental technicians continue to be educated, which is why a patient who comes to Poland can be sure that he will receive treatment at the highest level, and all scientific and technical innovations will be available to him. He will be able to plan treatments according to the latest procedures. Dentistry in Poland has also become increasingly innovative: traditional X-rays have been replaced by 3D modeling, and cavity localization is done using the right laser. Private clinics also offer comprehensive services with carefully planned treatment plans.
Painless treatment

source: is one of the best clinics in Poland. Associated with dentophobia, which affects many people, this clinic offers the latest innovations in the field of dental health; OroTox therapy and electric anesthesia without the use of needles. The goal is dental treatment on target with the minimization of pain that often triggers dentophobia.
The OroTox therapy
What is the so-called OroTox therapy? Basically, this therapy is a continuation of endodontic treatment. Endodontic treatment is a root canal treatment that aims to save teeth from a tooth extraction. Not all toothache problems must be overcome by pulling teeth; some of them can be treated with treatments that target areas exposed to infection. We know that infection will cause pain, and with endodontic treatment, the source of the pain can be eliminated. Usually, endodontic therapy uses local anesthesia, but for many people, this anesthetic method still feels scary.
OroTox therapy helps dentists to assess whether a tooth contains harmful bacteria or not. With OroTox, the doctor can decide whether he needs to pull a tooth or not, where the infected area should be given medicine, and so forth. In short, this is able to detect infected areas in a short time, only 5 minutes. This test is done without pain. Only take biological samples from certain gingival pockets and react with certain chemical factors. The presence and activity of bacteria can be known 5 minutes after this process is carried out. Very fast!
When root canal treatment or even tooth extraction has to be done, this is often a scary moment for patients. Fortunately, they offer electric anesthesia without needles. This method of anesthesia is painless. This technique uses a painless electric current to add local painkillers (in the form of hydrogels, ointments, or spray). This technique is not only expected to encourage people who because of the needle to delay to visit their dentist again but is also expected to save money while reducing the risk of contamination and infection. It should be noted that in some cases, the use of needles can trigger infection and broader bacterial contamination, and such contamination, if left untreated, can cause systemic organ disorders (which are certainly far more dangerous than just toothache).
You can find out the cause of your prolonged toothache without having to worry again about the syringe. Proper dental care without pain is a standard of modern dental care. Combined with cheap dental treatment rates in Poland (compared to similar treatments in the West) and also the beauty of Poland, there is no reason for you to postpone your dental treatment.