A kilt may not be your best friend because, while it provides easy access to the junk, let’s admit it, it can be hard to get it up for a man in a skirt. (I know, I know. It’s not a skirt, it’s traditional Scottish garb.) Even if he does have a sexy accent and you’ve hired him to power-wash your drain gutters (that wasn’t a pun, that service exists), getting aroused by a kilted man may prove difficult. But according to the latest issue of Scottish Medical Journal, we’ll need to get over it because a guy in a kilt is a God amongst men:

Source: slanjkilts.com
“In addition to keeping their scrotum at a cooler temperature, which research proves can boost sperm count, kilt wearers enjoy psychological benefits, such as feeling more masculine and proud and enjoying positive attention from sexual admirers…”
A kilt makes a man both fertile and virile … if you like that kind of thing or if you’re trying to make a baby. And even if you aren’t that into free-hanging fruit, they’ll think you are. Once this news gets out, it’s going to be Tartan Day every day.
[Jezebel]Original by Ami Angelowicz