In a world that’s filled with influencers and social media celebrities, it is quite difficult to find the right person to follow. Everyone can be entertaining, but it’s not easy to find someone who’s going to inspire you and help you become a better version of yourself.
Today we are going to talk about Ali King, an influencer known by the nickname “The Fashionista”, so if you are in for an interesting and motivational story, as well as some glamour and rumors, why not stick around with us until the end?
We’ll try to present The Fashionista most fairly and transparently, so by the end of this article, you will decide if you want to give her a follow or not. Her Instagram is @musicfashioniista, so if you already like what you’re hearing, feel free to check out her profile and show some appreciation. Let’s begin.
Who is Ali King?

Source: prnt
Ali King, or also known as “The Fashionista” on social media, is a person who we like to describe as an artist, and a creative individual with knowledge that applies in many different fields, such as music, fashion, entrepreneurship, and leadership.
We chose her as the subject for today’s article solely because we find her story very inspirational and we think that it can be the perfect example for many young talented stars out there who want to make it on the red carpet one day.
The story of The Fashionista

Source: instagram
Ever since she was a child, Ali King dreamed of becoming a person who can make a name in the glamourous celebrity world and show her talent when it comes to music, art, and fashion. Unlike many others on her age, she didn’t get discouraged by the comments or opinions of others, and Ali managed to stay focus on her dream and do everything it takes to make it come true.
We all know how the industry works, so when she reached out for help from other people, usually they denied her request and told her that she’s not ready for such a role yet. After numerous people she depended on slammed the door, young Ali decided that it’s time to take things into her own hands.
She decided to learn from her own mistakes, and although she was crushed by all the denials at first, Ali decided that it’s time to focus on improvement instead of spending all that time in sorrow.
The Fashionista says that reality is what a person chooses to make it, so if you believe hard enough that you’ll succeed in what you’re doing, eventually it’s going to become reality, one way or another. It might seem a bit cliché that people are always rejecting the hidden gems of today’s society, but once you’re in their shoes you’ll understand how true it is, and that it happens quite often.
According to Ali King, always hoping for the best is a great thing that can shed light on your life, but that’s not enough if you want to achieve something. Nothing ever comes to those who just wait and hope for the best, you have to work for it.
Ali King today

Source: prnt
Despite her difficult past and all the trouble she had made a name for herself, today the young fashionista has a lot of fans and followers, constantly achieving new successes and letting the masses know how talented she is.
She doesn’t seem to stop impressing others with the variety of her talents, so besides all the other successes, The Fashionista managed to write and perform a song that was called “We Gon Party Tonight”. Writing and performing a song might not seem like that big of a deal, but when the song reaches the status of a national 7-Up TV commercial, it’s an entirely different thing.
After all the hype about the commercial and the song, which lasted about eight months, a lot of doors opened for the young and talented star Ali.
Tons of producers and brand-owners suddenly were interested in collaborating with The Fashionista, and this is where career started to skyrocket. If you are interested in listening to some Ali king music, you can take a look at her Instagram profile and find all the links there, as well as most of her work.
The Fashionista – Why you should follow her

Source: youtube
If most of you are already inspired by the story, you’ll probably want to take a look at her work, which is more than just writing songs or performing. As we already mentioned, Ali King’s Instagram profile can be found under the name of @musicfashioniista, and everything that you’ll see there can be inspiring and might help you with your future work, so make sure to visit her.
As for other successes and why you should consider following this upcoming star, back in 2019 she was invited to the official New York Fashion Week program to host multiple events that ended blowing up when it comes to popularity.
The funny thing about stars like The Music Fashionista is the fact that you might already be familiar with most of her work, you just don’t know her name yet. When you take a look at her social media profiles, you’ll find a lot of things that might be familiar. This also applies to that famous 7-Up commercial, so if you’ve watched that at least once, chances are that you know the song because it’s way too catchy not to remember it.
Advice for the others

Source: instagram
Ali King knows how it’s like to be at the bottom, so she wants to help everyone else by giving out advice on how to improve. Besides her story and the other things we mentioned earlier in the article, The Fashionista suggests that everyone should have creative ideas and stand out from the same old boring and dull formulas for success that people nowadays tend to follow. Being yourself might not seem like the most optimal thing at the beginning, but this will drastically change when you look at the bigger picture. At the end of the day, everybody wants to see the true you, so don’t be afraid to show yourself in your true color.