When things get stale and kinda tough, for when the honeymoon phase ends and there’s no more fluff, or when you’re 30 years in and your partner is starting to gruff, maybe a sex swing will bring back the hot stuff!
In the day and age of the internet, we have access to more information than ever, but sex still continues to fly under the radar. Kids still run out of the room when remotely romantic scenes come on during a movie, and friends still don’t express roadblocks or ruts they face in their relationships to even their closest peers. Angela Alexander is hoping to change the way we talk about sex, and in a good way.
For Angela Alexander and her business, sexswings.com, the goal is to bring intimacy to a whole new level — whatever that may be, and it may be two or three feet off the floor. It’s quite an ironic feat for someone who isn’t exactly into the adventurous side of intercourse. While being suspended in the air may not be Angela Alexander’s thing, she knows plenty of people who are willing to try the new form of intimacy, which she highly encourages.
“Swings open up so many new opportunities,” Alexander says. “No one needs to be on top of anyone else. It allows for awesome sex while pregnant, or if you face a life-altering disability. It really makes intimacy more comfortable regardless of who is involved.”
The Best Sex Toy on the Planet
Many people demur at the idea of a sex swing, or even bringing toys into the bedroom to spice things up. Whether it be the fear of trying new things or fear of someone else finding out what you’re into, the concept can be hard for some to come around to. For those with partners either onboard or against the idea, Alexander has answers for both sides of the argument.
“Sex swings are far more fun than nearly any other sex toys on the planet,” Angela says. “A sex swing has you suspended so it gives your partner new and inviting ways to explore your body in a fun way.”
Those services offer introductory videos for those who are hesitant. Finding that most companies don’t offer a customer connection to help them find the right products, or even answer basic questions to ease their minds, she and her team are devoted to reassuring customer worry. They will even help you find and assemble the correct hardware, as one might be a bit shy about asking a clerk what kind of eye bolt you need to connect to the ceiling to install a sex swing.

Source: Pinterest
Better Living through Better Sex
Especially during the time of Covid, couples are struggling for romance. “It is often said that sex is not everything, and this is partly true. But I say partly. For any relationship, great sex life is essential to happiness,” says Alexander. Beyond making better marriages, countless studies show how it can improve your physical health and help you live longer.”
According to Alexander spicing up your sex life is more important now than ever, and for that, she recommends creative sex toys. “They will bring both you and your partner a world of happiness.”
At the top of her list are sex swings, which, she says can reduce the reliance on five healthcare professionals: 1) Marriage Counselor, 2) Cardiologist, 3) Mental Health Therapist, 4) Sleep specialist, and 5) Plastic Surgeon.
“How can a $200 sex swing replace decades of training and millions of dollars in education?” she asks. “Simple. Science. Let’s break it down.”
Sex is a powerful tool for good health. This has been well established for a long time in science. The problem is that people do not have enough of it. After years in a relationship, couples experience boredom. “How many times can you do missionary? As your sex life starts to become routine, the amount of sex you have declined, and so does your health,” says Angela Alexander.
A good sex swing adds variety. Variety adds excitement. Excitement leads to more sex. More sex leads to a healthy, happier, younger-looking you. More cardio with lower blood pressure and fewer heart attacks, and you look more youthful, according to a study by Planned Parenthood.

Source: Pinterest
Do the Research
“I highly recommend that if anyone is hesitant, do some research,” Alexander says. “We offer videos on our website. If that’s not for you then don’t be afraid to call us. I hear a lot of customer feedback about what a relief it is for them to watch our videos and hear women talking about the benefits of sex swings. As with anything else, it’s all about education and research.”
For those that are on board, but worried about what their friends may think, Angela has the perfect solution. Installation and how to hide sex swings are very common worries, especially in houses with roommates or family members. The last thing we need is for the kids to walk in and point at your swing asking, “Mommy, what’s that?”
Instead of the constant fear of someone walking in on your toy, Angela recommends finding a sex swing stand that offers options for compact storage. The screamer sex swing stand, in particular, is one of the best on the market and offers options for discreetness. It folds up into a storage bag that can fit under the average bed frame or be stored away in a closet. The best part about it is how compact and easy it is to conceal and carry. Perfect for those hiding their toys from roommates, or those that want to add extra fun to vacations.
Regardless of how open to sex swings you are, Alexander understands the divide on the subject. “I try to be an advocate for both sides,” she says. “It’s important that people feel comfortable opening up to new experiences, but that’s always going to come with questions for most. Talking about it helps people come around to it. With education and honesty comes reassurance. I would always recommend ‘Just try it,’ but obviously, I understand.”

Source: Pinterest
With more notable people talking about sex swings, there are those opening up about it. From films like Rough Night with Scarlett Johansson to celebrities mentioning bringing sex swings on their honeymoon, open talks about intimacy are becoming more prominent.
“As someone who’s nickname is ‘Vanilla” around the office, if I can love sex swings then I believe in finding the right swing for your situation too,” Alexander says.