What is your biggest dream? Is it spending the rest of your days in a tropical paradise? This dream is more achievable today than it was ever before. All you need to have is some entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to invest wisely. One of the best investments you can make these days is to spend your money on a Caribbean island. Not to buy one, but to gain citizenship by investment. A great idea, right? Of course, it is. How come you haven’t thought of it sooner?
It is never too late. Today might be just the right moment; the right opportunity. Dreaming is one thing, but achieving dreams is another. Many investors decided to have their money invested in one of the Caribbean programs that focus on citizenship by investments. One of the most popular locations is without a doubt Antigua & Barbuda. Don’t waste a moment. Apply straight away if you have the means. But, we love to stay realistic. Applying is one thing. Getting citizenship is another. Today, we’re going to talk about the unfortunate scenario that might happen. Here’s what to do if your Antigua & Barbuda citizenship by investment application is denied. First, let’s talk about what this program is.

Source: buygoldenvisa.com
What is Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program?
In essence, it is an economic program, which allows individuals to receive Antigua & Barbuda citizenship by becoming an investor on the island’s soil. This year, this program celebrates its first decade of existence. If you’re interested in such a program you should know that it is available in the majority of the Caribbean countries. In addition to being fertile soil for investments, places such as Antigua & Barbuda are attracting new investors with their hospitality, beautiful nature, perfect climate, and of course unparalleled beaches and activities tied to the sea. Furthermore, by receiving this citizenship you will receive all the benefits that go with it, including visa-free entry to numerous world countries, the possibility of permanent residence, and benefits of local medical, social, and financial systems. All of this is received when you apply and your application is accepted. Unfortunately, we are here today to discuss what happens, and what to do when things go south.

Source: today.caricom.org
What Are The Reasons For Refusals?
What needs to be understood is that applying for citizenship by investment is not a straightforward process. Many people believe that citizenship is guaranteed because money is involved. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. We are talking about the serious immigration process and not about some form of bribery. So before you apply you need to do due diligence on your application. In most cases, you’ll require a lawyer to present the authorities with a viable business plan. We shouldn’t even mention that your records need to be clean both personally, financially, and criminally.
If they’re not, it all could lead to a refusal of your application. What are the instances when this happens? As we said, it first happens if you have a criminal record. You could either have some minor local crime tied to your name or an Interpol search warrants it’s all the same. Furthermore, everything needs to be in order with your bank accounts; your background check needs to return clean; you shouldn’t represent a security threat nor is it desirable to have your other visa applications denied.
This list can go on and on and it includes things such as security frauds, financial crimes, various court cases, previous bankruptcy, age limit, and numerous other things. Whatever the reason might be for the refusal of your citizenship by investment application you need to know which are your next steps.
What to Do After a Refusal?

Source: youtube.com
Refusal is not a pretty thing. By now you know that much. The issue is that Caribbean countries cooperate on this matter. If your application is denied in one country the information will be shared among the rest. So, having one refusal at Antigua & Barbuda for example damages your chances of receiving CBI in another Caribbean country. The good news is that you’ll have a chance to appeal. Even if your appeal is denied, that’s not the end of the world. You will also be granted a chance to reapply. What you should know is that most of the damage will be absorbed by your citizenship consultant. They should know better than to submit an application that has a high chance of being denied.
In the case that you believe that a mistake was made, or that your application should be granted, you should appeal the decision through your agent and with authorities in charge of the matter. Whatever their decision is, and the basis on which is made, will be stated to you through your agent. The decision will be made in writing and you should know that you will be reading the voice of the CBI Unit and the Government and Council of Ministers. The worst case scenario is that you can get approved by the government and receive the citizenship only for later to be revoked if it’s found out that you’re a wanted person or that you’ve failed to comply with some of the regulations that are necessary for CBI. Either way, if you’re refused, and your application is not accepted your best option is to appeal if you believe that there is a mistake. If you fail to comply with all the rules and regulations you’re better off getting your application in order before you reapply.
Bottom line is, you should review your application before submitting it. The rules are quite strict and your failed application will resonate in the CBI circles. The majority of the rules imposed before you can even submit your application are hard or close to impossible to get around so you shouldn’t even try it. Instead, you should focus on fulfilling all the conditions that are necessary for you to become a citizen by investment. That’s the best way to avoid being refused citizenship by investment application.