Computer Numerical Control, or CNC, is a process of manufacturing, which consists of computers who are controlling the parts of the machines. Even though the CNC machining and programming was initially used for making parts for products of the aerospace industry, we can say that today, it has a lot more uses than it had to. It could be said that there is almost no industry that doesn’t use CNC machines for making at least some parts for its production. Not only big industries started adopting CNC machining, but we could also see it in some of the small workshops.
In order for you, our reader, to get a glimpse of how big CNC is, you should know that between 2014 and 2016, the CNC world’s market grew from $52.6 billion to $93.4 billion. Some people would ask themselves what are the elements that drive the skyrocketing growth of this market. Well, it is pretty simple. By including a CNC machine to the production, you are going to minimize the chance of human errors. At the same time, all of the products are going to be manufactured with efficiency and high precision. If you are interested in taking a look at some highly detailed information about the CNC machines themselves, check out
Now, since all of the industries are evolving at some point, let us take a look at some of the innovative applications of CNC machining.
1. Improves Medical Processes

Source: prototechasia
CNC machines proved themselves worthy in the medical industry. The reason is they proved themselves to be practical and reliable in fast-paced device prototyping. One of the most important things is that CNC machining improved the levels during serious early stages of testing. The whole concept needs to be done perfectly and without an error. For example, all of the selection of the materials needs to be perfect, from the pilot version to the final version of the product. At the same time, the massive productions didn’t produce some products with major flaws.
We can say that all of the branches of the medical industry have introduced CNC machining in their production. However, if we would ask to choose one where it was proved the most efficiently, we would say otolaryngology. We even witnessed an article that talked about a medical technology developer company from California that started developing new tech methods for surgeries. Their main field of work is, as we said, otolaryngology. It could be said that this project is nothing short than a success because it is going through medical testing.
2. Electronics

Source: manufacturingmethods
It could be said that all electronic devices are made by the usage of CNC machining. When we say all, we literally mean all of them, from the smallest devices in your kitchen to the tablets and smartphones. The same could be said about Mac users, who are using the final product of this kind of production whenever they touch their device. One of the main reasons why CNC machining is still a pretty hot topic is that their production doesn’t require the usage of chemicals that are essential for some other popular methods of production.
3. Car Renovation and Racing

Source: baysidemachine
There is almost no person that didn’t have a dream about renovating an old-timer at least once during its lifetime. Well, CNC machining is a method that is perfect for making parts that are no longer in official production by the companies who used to manufacture them. It can be said this is a perfect technique for producing these since it has the necessary precision and it could perform all of the programmed tasks pretty fast. However, when talking to an expert, you will hear that the best thing that CNC machining brings to the table in the case of the automobile industry is much-needed flexibility.
The whole process can be programmed with the highest possible precision. Moreover, it can be done without compromising the much-needed characteristics. At the same time, there are a plethora of possibilities a manufacturer can undergo with this method of production since it includes all of the main approaches and making vehicle parts like conversion coatings, paint finishes, and electrophoretic coating. Plus, this became a pretty popular method in producing and redesigning the cars aimed for racing.
4. Aerospace Industry

Source: zecomachine
One of the industries that use the CNC machining the most is the aerospace industry. The reason is that it required a plethora of small parts that are extremely hard to make without using the precision offered by this method. At the same time, there are medium-size and large compounds that require a top-notch precision and the newest technology in order to be made properly. The same could be said both for military and civil vehicles and aircraft.
Therefore, it’s not a surprise that NASA considers this method of production of the best ones in the world. At the same time, it is used by NASA for all of the components for devices and vehicles developed by them. We are going to present you with an example of a successful product made by CNC machining. This is an F-15 Eagle Fighter Jet, Boeing’s military airplane.
5. Industrial Piping

Source: westcoastkarisohn
When we are talking about the industrial sector, we should be aware of all of the segments that are a part of it, from heavy machinery, petrochemicals, machine tools, power generation, and gas and oil. One of the most important segments of the industrial sector is the production of pipes. This is the segment where CNC machining probably shies at its brightest. The programming of creating and designing pipes by using this technology is probably the most effective method. At the same time, the manufacturer is going to provide more competitive production costs and lower the machine downtime.
Let’s say that in some process of manufacturing, a person damages a machine by using some of the tools. It makes perfect sense that the whole production is going to be on hold. Depending on the damage, the manufacturer would need to wait up to a month before the production is continued. We will not talk about profit loss and the increased inventory costs, but it is understood that this would happen. By using CNC machining, these potential damages would be lowered to a minimum.