Working in a tech company might sound lucrative and it is a good source of income but believe us it can get pretty tough to time. Although you will be offered a secured workplace with good income as long as you comply with the requirements and are given a work visa (if you are a foreign worker), it will demand a lot of effort and time on a daily basis. And given the anonymous Blind surveys, we can see that a lot of tech workers aren’t satisfied with their workplace and describe the atmosphere as quite toxic. Let’s not forget about the non-disclosure agreements that workers are mostly obliged to sign later being afraid to come out in public even if a type of sexual misconduct has happened.
And especially in correlation with the sexual harassment topic a major debate point has been are the workers accused of the same given a large exit paycheck or not. According to Kingsley&Kingsley, there are few arguments to support both points – on one hand, if the person hasn’t done it but is just accused and decided to leave due to the given pressure of co-workers than it would be fine to give him/her a fair exit package; on the other hand a person that was seen conducting the sexual harassment act shouldn’t be given a big exit package as that kind of a solution may promote unwanted behavior.
Without further ado let’s go ahead and find out what the Blind survey suggests!

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What Do The Survey Results Say
Once again Blind the anonymous social network conducted a survey questioning the tech workers – True or false: I believe my company has given generous exit packages to employees who left due to allegations of sexual misconduct. The question was pretty sharp and straight – have they or have they not leave the job with a big paycheck in their hands. Surprisingly out of 4,500 answers around 67% answered NO while around 33% answered yes. And though it might seem that these results are good to believe us it isn’t the case.
Google employees had the highest rate of YES answers with 69% while Facebook was at the bottom of the list with 21% of the confirming answers. Now, let’s be honest no one was surprised at the fact that the YES answers of Google employees were at that high of a percent – especially after it was publically announced that executives who were leaving because of sexual allegations have been given a regular exit package. Just below Google is Intel with around 54% followed by Uber and Microsoft both between 38% and 40%. On the other hand, joining the bottom of the list along with Facebook is Apple with 23.19% and once again LinkedIn (that always has positive survey results) with 22.41%.
As you might have heard the HR Dive named Blind the 2018 Innovator of the Year and it was absolutely justified as this great social platform has come up with tens of surveys that helped workers express their opinion anonymously and without the fear of losing their jobs because of it. We absolutely support the concept and think that it should be of benefit to both sides – employees and employers!
Depending on what tech company we are looking at the results differ but if we would look at Google as a relevant example we can see that there is still a lot of injustice at the workplace and certain things that simply aren’t morally allowed. Giving a paycheck to a sexual assaulter shouldn’t be a thing, and we hope that the Blind surveys will continue shedding light on similar topics that are yet to be discussed!