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Lindsey Lohan
In 2011, The Sun described her smile as “seriously chipped and discolored,” and some attributed her gnarly grin to her hard-partying and drug use. In February 2018, her smile improved, as she fixed her teeth.
Johnny Depp
In 2015, while attending the screening of the film Black Mass, many were shocked to see Johnny’s gold tooth as well as a red tincture on the tooth next to the gold one.
Anna Paquin
In an interview with Zooey Paquin said her gap-toothed smile is the last thing on her list. “Interestingly enough, I don’t really care about my teeth,” she stated, “but I think any woman on this planet could say, ‘I wish my a** was smaller, my arms were thinner and I had green eyes not brown.’ I think anyone is as critical as they have the energy to self-obsess, but I also know as an actress you are more limited if you interfere with your looks.”
Vanessa Paradis
In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, she commented on closing the gap on her teeth. “Why would I fix them? I was born with them,” said the singer. “I can spit water through them. They’re useful!”
“Yeah, I’m grillin’ … It p****s everybody off when I wear my grill, so that’s why I wear it,” said Madonna when asked about her gold teeth in 2014, adding she put them on so that they could match her outfit.
Anthony Davis
In addition to his unibrow, his teeth are a story on their own. However, his bottom teeth are not stopping him on his road as a world-class athlete.
Charlie Sheen
He had a gold tooth in 2010, but he made sure to have it coated up while filming the TV show Two and a Half Men.
Steve Buscemi
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the actor said, “I’ve had dentists who have wanted to help me out, but I say, ‘You know, I won’t work again if you fix my teeth.'”
Tom Cruise
According to The Sun, the change in his top row of teeth, or a “monotooth” as The Sun described it, was because he had “so much dental surgery.”
Michael Strahan
In a 2012 interview with Elle magazine, Strahan explained he wasn’t always in love with his smile. “I was really close to closing [the gap] up. I was at the dentist having him do mock-ups. I thought about it, man.” The conflict happened when he was still playing professional football. In the end, the Super Bowl champ determined to embrace his gap, somewhat because he didn’t want to frighten his four children. “For me, I made the conscious effort to say ‘This is who I am.’ I’m not perfect. I don’t want to try to be perfect. At this point, I don’t think my kids would recognize me without it. They’d be like, ‘Who is this stranger in the house? Call 911!'”
Source: Nicki Swift