Becoming famous in the media sphere is not such an easy task as it may seem at first glance. Some people recklessly believe that for success it is necessary to post a couple of interesting posts and constantly publish content in Stories. But if it were that simple, every second user of the network would be an influential person, get the attention of advertisers and have huge fees. Yes, before it was really possible not to study working promotion strategies and effective ways to attract an audience, but now it is a necessity.
Instagram has enormous size and power – about 500 million people log into the app every day, follow their favorite authors, create content and make purchases. From a regular website for publishing square photos, it has become a real business machine that helps in the development of many brands and celebrities. Naturally, the competition has grown in recent years and it has become more difficult to achieve what you want, but this does not mean that the mission is impossible. Those who have the knowledge have the opportunity to create a competitive and great page that will make them popular. In this text, we will explain how to become famous using 5 important steps.

1. Choose a niche and plan a content strategy. Subscribers are not taken from the void. To attract their attention, you need to spend some time and effort on developing an initial plan of action. First of all, we advise you to decide on the topic of your future content. It should be a niche that is interesting to a large number of people, and you are an expert in it. Think about how you can be useful to the public, who your posts are for, what you can talk about for hours. The answers to these questions will help you decide on the topic of the page.
The next, but important point is to create a content strategy. To do this, explore the accounts of competitors, study their publications, pay attention to those of them that have collected a lot of likes and comments. Mark what you like and what repels the blogger. In the future, this will help you avoid mistakes that have been noticed on the pages of other authors. At the first stage, you can take a few good ideas for publishing and use them, styling them for your own post feed. Go to other resources and see inspiring photos and videos that can be useful when creating content. It is especially useful to study the current color solutions to use in your feed.
2. Create a subscriber base. It may not seem obvious, but the first thing that visitors to your account pay attention to is the number of readers. Yes, this is one of the main indicators of user trust and your success on the site, so it is important to take care of creating a database at the initial stage. Many newcomers spend months on this, use various methods of promotion and try to stand out from the crowd. In fact, this process can be accelerated and simplified with the help of specialized account promotion companies. Such services offer a variety of services, including an excellent opportunity to buy Instagram followers cheap.
This will give you a significant advantage over other bloggers who don’t know about boost. But this is not the only advantage of this method – you will also increase activity if you buy the accounts of interested people who will rate the content, like and comment on several posts. For a small fee, you get a lot of opportunities for further promotion, look attractive to potential followers and become visible on the resource.

3. Engage with users. One of the main steps a novice blogger should take is to create a friendly community. This is possible if you pay attention to your subscribers. You can start following them, commenting on publications, getting likes and participating in various activities.
For you, as an author, this is a good opportunity to shine in narrow circles and become famous in the thematic community. Try to start a dialogue with the authors of other accounts that may become your potential subscribers. We also recommend exploring whether they can collaborate with you to increase engagement.
4. Use hashtags. You will be surprised, but tags are still an important element when planning a promotion strategy. You will need to study several competitor accounts (5-10 pieces) and analyze which keywords they use to attract the attention of as many users as possible.
How does it work? Many users are still searching for interesting content using thematic “keys”. So, to find a blogger talking about unusual places for tourists, they write “travel” in the search bar and look at the result. If, for example, you used this word, there is a chance that the user will see your post and go to the account to study the content. For a beginner, the best option would be to use low-frequency tags to avoid high competition. Use a few words when publishing posts to grow a page.

5. Follow the trends. When creating publications or stories, we advise you to focus on those that are at the peak of popularity and attract many new fans. Trends are constantly changing, and if you are planning for the long term, you should study the content of popular creators in advance to have ideas about which formats will go viral in the near future. Start to follow celebrities and accounts of fashion houses, on their pages you will find a lot of trends that can be used when creating a feed of posts.
According to IGInstant, videos of various formats are relevant now. Pay attention to Reels and IGTV, try to shoot a few clips and show your talents. Users react positively to such content, which means that you will be able to achieve your goal quickly and easily. Try it right how!