Fish as pets are not only beautiful to look at, but are also entertaining to watch. They don’t demand attention and are extremely low maintenance. Keeping and caring for tropical fish entrails responsibility and caring. However, you need to follow a careful procedure to set up and maintain an aquarium as it requires regular cleaning and a hygienic environment for fish to thrive in.
It’s not as challenging as it sounds and once you get the hang of it, you’ll master the act of fish keeping.
If you’re an avid aquarist like us, but aren’t too familiar with fish keeping, purchasing a few tools and following a legitimate procedure makes it easy. Tropical fish keeping enthusiasts over at recommend getting the best aquarium filters, lighting, freshwater plants and air pumps for longevity and durability. You don’t want to be cheap about it, as quality products will ensure a lively fish tank with little supervision required. Don’t worry yet; there’s no need to panic. We’ve framed a complete guide to assist you with fish caring and setting up an aquarium that you can contently follow step-by-step.

Source: ZooArt
Choose the right aquarium size
Depending on the type and size of tropical fish that you’re planning to get, you need to choose an appropriately sized aquarium. You don’t want your fish to bang among themselves or collide with the glass every now and then in a cramped space. Get an aquarium that’s big enough for your fish to swim freely. If you’re planning on getting one small fish to start with fish keeping, a regular fish bowl will work. You can learn about aquarium sizes on
Pick an appropriate spot
This aspect is ignored by experienced fish keepers most of the time. Picking the right spot for your aquarium is necessary to maintain the water temperature inside the tank for your fish to thrive. Avoid keeping it under direct sunlight or by openings. Locations with heating vents are also a big no-no. Apart from this, don’t choose a spot that accumulates a lot of noise such as traffic sound. Keep the tank in a dry space and far away from windows.

Source: Twitter
Get heating and lighting equipment
When we ask to keep fish away from heat, there are a few exceptions depending on the breed of fish. Certain tropical breeds demand the water to be at a particular temperature because their bodies cannot produce heat. Appropriate heating equipment is required to maintain that temperature. The two lights on the heating device, red and green, indicate that it’s on or on standby, respectively. You need to choose a heater that’s neither too small nor too big according to your aquarium size. Keep the tank covered with a hood to maintain the water temperature. Also, lighting equipment helps in keeping the plants fresh and healthy. It’s necessary to keep the light on for at least 10 to 12 hours within the tank. Adding some lighting can also provide an illuminating effect to your tank, making it glow and uplifting the aesthetic value of the space.
Add a filter and an air pump
A water filter helps in keeping the tank water clean by removing waste and debris from it through various technological innovations. Clean water is necessary for your fish to ensure longer life. It also assists in keeping the plants fresh. Using a filter is extremely easy for the beginners. An air pump provides oxygen to the water and maintains its flow. You can find a lot of air pumps for aquariums that make less noise and produce fewer vibrating effects.

Source: AliExpress
Add gravel
Gravel is much more than colorful pieces of decoration at the bottom of your aquarium. These help in storing the useful bacteria that break down fish waste and keeping the tank clean.
Choose accessories
Accessories like freshwater plants and tiny caves are playful additions to your fish. Fresh plants of various sizes maintain the nutrition level within the tank, and tunnels and caves give the fish something to hide under and feel safer. If you’re looking for lower maintenance, we’d suggest getting artificial plants as they’re easier to maintain.

Source: About Aquarium Design
Cycling is a process to grow denitrifying bacteria that’ll eliminate accumulated toxins within the tank. It’ll increase the life of your fishes and provide them a safer environment. Conditioning refers to de-chlorinating the water and both processes are carried out by using relevant solutions.
It is highly recommended for a beginner to start off with keeping fewer fish and increasing the count once you’re used to it. Also, ask your fish retailer to suggest best combination breeds that go well according to varying personalities. Lastly, don’t forget to feed high quality food in recommended dosages and clean the tank water regularly. A little effort for a bubbly spark of color, you will get to appreciate every once in a while.