If you are a nature lover, you like hiking and discovering new places where the human foot did not yet go, and you will need proper footwear to keep you safe and comfortable. A healthy way of life is addictive, but you need all the safety you can get to enjoy your hiking adventure, and not worry about your equipment.
No matter if you are an experienced hiker or just an enthusiast, you know that proper footwear is important, and in the latest years, there have been some trends in hiking shoes. Sandals are what most hikers go for when choosing a hiking shoe. Long-form hikers are going for that heavy-duty product that is durable and robust, while amateurs search for versatile and easy to use.
In any case, there are a lot of manufacturers and sandals to choose from, and in this list, maybe you will find what suit your needs.
1. KEEN Newport H2 Sandal

Source: Smart Sports Shoes
Keen is a well-known brand in the world of hiking, and with their line of footwear, they tread a fine line between shoes and sandals. H2 sandal is very open design, perfect for some aquatic adventure and with toe protection; there is no fear of rocks hidden from your eyesight. A comfortable sandal that is flexible and durable against elements.
It has an internal meshing that allows your foot to breathe so no more bad smell. The midsole and TPU stability shank are the features of this sandal and provide excellent support for the wearer. It is not just good for aquatic adventures but also great on dry land, providing you with grip even on the hardest of terrains. Webbing exterior and quick-drying interior will keep your foot in place wherever you want to go, for casual or experienced hiker it will suit your needs all summer.
2. Teva Katavi Outdoor Sandal

Source: lyst.com
Another big company name that has been around for years, it brought a simple design but an effective one to the game. Great sandal for the trailblazers and very light, which means your feet will not get tired after long hikes. The Katavi outdoor sandal is open-toed with sued and mesh upper combination, and padded Velcro straps that lock around the heal, with polyester lining to keep your feet nice and dry. Very comfortable sandal with a midsole from compressed foam, center nylon shank to keep you stable, and supported, for all kinds of terrain. They do not come in half sizes, and there are only two colors to choose from, a beige and brown.
3. BEDROCK sandals

Source: bedrocksandals.com
Heavy-duty flip-flop, great for hiking, very light and if you like the design of this sandal go and try them on. If you ever had flip-flops, you know their breaking point is the middle thong, but with this one, they inserted a piece of aluminum to prevent that. If you have smaller feet, there is an adjustable heel cuff to tighten them in place. The insole is very comfortable, and the sole has impressive grip tanks to Vibram Mega grip outsole technology. Maybe they do not look as robust as many other hiking sandals, but looks can be deceiving, and they stood up to some of the most significant tests. The only drawback can be that you cannot wear socks in these and that the strapping system is a little harder. However, that should not stop you going into an adventure with a pair of new hiking sandals.
4. Merrell all-out blaze sieve water shoe

Source: Sportsman’s Guide
If you like getting your feet wet and going to a water adventure, then these are perfect. Water sports, or hiking these are designed for comfort, they are robust, quick-drying and great for all conditions. Waterproof leather coated with polyurethane, with Velcro straps ensure that they are a great fit and secure in place. And, if you are going on a lighter stroll, you can remove the back belt and convert them into a slider for much better comfort. They have entirely covered toes for the extra protection in deep water and a grip sole that will keep you on track, an excellent product for those who love hiking and do not mind getting their feet wet.
5. Chaco Z2 classic athletic sandal

Source: Depop
Are you an adrenalin junkie, do you like rafting, if so than these Chaco Z2 are great for you. The athletic sandal is great for the great outdoors and reliable. Built from materials that provide quick-drying; straps are from polyester jacquard webbing and ensure your foot will stay in place. Chaco Z2 comes in a variety of colors, and they offer contoured arch polyurethane footbed for greater comfort. Sole is made from rubber and provides great grip and traction. Small hike or a long one, this sandal is very popular for adventurers, but toe loop design may not be everyone’s cup of tea.
6. Xero Shoes Z-Trail lightweight hiking and running sandal

Source: Xero Shoes
If flip-flops or toe loop is not your thing, maybe Xero Shoes Z-Trail is perfect for you. Less is more seems to be the philosophy behind the design of these sandals, and they resemble a barefoot experience. If you are looking for something ultra-light and thin than you found them. Very comfortable, but not heavy on foot, however that lightness comes with a cost, no hard and tough terrains to cover in these, they are just for moderate trails. Sole is tough enough for sharp stones and grip is good; 10 millimeter thick means that you will feel every nook and cranny but foam upper part of the sole is very soft, and if you like, that barefoot feeling these are for you.
7. KIIU closed toe sandals

Source: Amazon.com
If you are on a budget and do not want to spend a lot of money, but also need a hiking sandal, then KIIU is the best compromise. Lightweight shoes made from durable materials, these are great for adventures wet and dry. Lacing is fully adjustable and grips tightly around your feet with a Velcro strap over the heel to keep it secure in place. Great traction from the outsole will provide stability in wet and dry conditions, and close toe means no more injuries from unexpected obstacles. KIIU sandals are the best choice for beginner hiker on a budget.
8. Astral Filipe outdoor sandals

Source: Amazon.com
Is it a flip-flop or a sandal, well it is both; it unites the best of the two worlds. The ultimate flip-flop is super comfortable and converts to a sandal with the help of ankle strap attachments. It is very comfortable thanks to the cushioned synthetic leather and super sticky with rubber outsole. If you are into rafting or canoeing, in fast or slow rivers or even on a rocky beach and you want some protection for your feet than these lightweight flip-flop sandals are a great choice. Do not think they are not suitable for the dry and rough terrain, because they are, so anywhere your adventures lead you, it will be more comfortable and safer with Astral Filipe sandals.