Our knowledge of medicine and medicinal technology is improving on a daily basis. The types of machines we have invented and the skill of doctors and surgeons are quite impressive. Today, we have access to all kinds of medical help. This is why awareness of breast cancer has improved so much over the past few years. To help the women who suffered from this kind of cancer, reconstruction surgeries are available to rebuild the shape and the look of it. But, before you do that, it would be smart to educate yourself on the matter first.
There are probably a lot of things you could learn about this medical procedure. This is an important step of the process because there may be things that you do not like about this kind of surgery. It is your right to know about what the surgeon will do to your body.
To help you in these troubling times, I decide to write this article and provide you with some guidance on how to educate yourself on this subject and give you some information about it too.

Source: verywellhealth
Don’t be afraid to ask
This is a very delicate subject and it is normal to feel afraid or ashamed to ask. It is difficult to talk or ask about your body, especially about your most intimate parts. But, doctors and other medical personnel are used to all of that and will be more than willing to answer all of your questions. They have the knowledge and experience to provide you with the most informative answers while trying to make you as comfortable as possible.
Remember, there are no bad questions. Whatever you need to know, ask away. Even if you know the answer to the question.
If you have any close relative or friend that has gone through this, I would recommend talking to them about this subject. Of course, if they do not feel comfortable about this topic, you do not have to. But, I am sure that such a friend will provide you with useful information that could assist you in this journey.

Source: vivaglammagazine
You do not have to do it
A lot of women believe that after a mastectomy that they have to go through reconstruction too, but that is simply not true. If you do not mind the look of your body after the mastectomy and if you feel comfortable, there may not be a reason to go under further surgeries.
It is also normal to be afraid of such a surgery. Even though it is not dangerous in any way, it’s okay to be scared.
It is your body and you get to decide what you are going to do with it. You have all the time in the world, so there is no need to make any rash decisions. Either way, you are going to wait at least a few months after the mastectomy. This will give you enough time to think about this topic.

Source: Medical News Today
Find a reputable doctor
Obviously, for this kind of medical procedure, you will want to find the best of the best. A reliable, reputable, and trustworthy doctor that can provide the best possible breast reconstruction surgery as suggested by Drpotter.com.
However, if you want to find such a doctor, you will have to do a bit of research. Thankfully, you will be able to do all of your research from the comfort of your own home. Online, you can easily find hundreds of reputable surgeons. For every single one of these doctors, you can find information and reviews about them. With reviews, you can see what people really have to say about a person.

Source: Breast Cancer Surgeon Houston
Consider the breast size
Since you are doing a reconstruction surgery, you will have the freedom to choose the size of your breasts. Large, small, medium, and any kind of shape.
Keep in mind, you may not have an answer to this question. Do not worry, many women do not. It is weird to have the option to modify your body in such a way. If you find yourself puzzled on this subject, you could always ask your doctor for a suggestion.
These surgeons have worked on hundreds of women, so they will probably know what is the optimal breast size and shape for your type of body. Based on your height, weight, and frame, they can determine the best breast size for you.
Although, if you do not like their suggestion, you could always chip-in with your thoughts. If you feel like you want something larger, that is fine too.

Source: iorioplasticsurgery
Get a second opinion
You probably have heard of this advice hundreds of times about all kinds of medical procedures, but it is a piece of good advice. There is nothing wrong or bad with getting a second opinion. Even if you picked the perfect breast reconstruction surgeon in the world, you can still ask another medical professional for their opinion. This will help you solidify the decision you have made and that you have taken the right path.
More information is always better.

Source: Dominion Plastic Surgery
You will need to take some days off before and after the surgery
Naturally, after the surgery, you are going to have to take some days off to recover properly. Any kind of physical or mental strain could have an impact on your recovery. I can’t tell you exactly how many days you will need because it depends on the person. It probably is best to ask your doctor about this.
However, I would also recommend taking a couple of days off before you go into the surgery. This will give you some time to relax and prepare yourself mentally. Even if you went to your job the day before, I am sure you would not be able to do any kind of work. Be with your family or close friends and do not stress yourself too much.
Breast reconstruction surgeries are complicated and might seem scary, but if you have all the needed information, everything will seem much clearer and safer. I hope this article has helped you educate yourself on this topic.