Building your own aquarium is exciting because adding fish into your household offers significant benefits. For example, keeping an aquarium can enhance the value of your home because of the tank’s aesthetic appeal. Aquariums may also help promote rest and relaxation because of their calming effect.
To build a quality aquarium, you’ll need certain tools. Fish are tricky pets to keep alive as they need optimum nurturing and proper caution. Building a durable and sustainable aquarium is the first step to making sure that they’re well taken care of.
Here are the 7 tools you need to build your own aquarium:
1. Fish Tank
The first thing that you need is a fish tank. You have to make sure that the tank is of excellent quality, and can hold water in without leaking. The size of your tank also depends on the type of fish that you wish to add into your aquarium. Some fish grow rapidly and require bigger space to maneuver in the tank to avoid deformities while they’re growing. This means you need to research the type of fish you wish to get and buy a tank that can accommodate their eventual growth.
You also need to consider the size of the tank opening. Fish breathe in oxygen which enters through the surface of the water. The smaller the opening, the less oxygen the fish will get, especially if you’ve got several of them in the same tank.
2. Substrate
The substrate is the material that you include in the tank to replicate their natural habitat. The substrate can be in the form of gravel, sand, plants, and artificial decor. It’s important to research the type of substrate that you’ll decide to add into the tank. Make sure that the substrate is as natural as possible to avoid contaminating your fish. There are plenty of resources online that can help you determine the right substrate to include in your tank. Just make sure that you’re purchasing these materials from reliable and established providers like Aquarium Store Depot.
3. Filter
Fish will thrive in clean and fresh water. A filter will help you remove the dirt and unwanted particles such as fish food that sinks to the bottom. However, you must also make sure that you also clean your filter regularly. Failing to do so can mean that the collected dirt will just go back into the tank and contaminate the fish.
4. Aquarium HeaterÂ
You’ll need an aquarium heater to make sure that the temperature that your fish thrive in is optimum. If you live in cold temperatures, the water may freeze and kill your fish. Having an aquarium heater means you can regulate the temperature, whether you’re at home or not, regardless of external factors like the weather. You can also get the kind of aquarium heaters that are set on a timer system.
5. Thermometer
In line with controlling the water temperature, you need a thermometer to determine whether the temperature of your aquarium is just right. A fish tank is different from a tub where you can feel for the temperature using your hand. If the thermometer reading is too low, you can then switch on the heater. If the temperature is too high, you’ll have to determine if certain environmental factors are causing it such as direct sunlight. Your tank shouldn’t be positioned in an area that receives direct sunlight because the heat can kill off the fish. A thermometer will help you identify this, so you can decide if it’s necessary to re-position your tank.
6. UV Lights
You can control daylight and night time inside your aquarium by installing UV lights. You can switch on the lights during the day time so that the fish get accustomed to the hours of the day. When its night time, you can switch off the lights. You can alternatively control the lighting by using a timer system.
7. Fish
Buying fish requires some research and consideration of factors such as your fish tank and substrate. For example, Fish that feed on plants tend to damage the environment. If you have a tank with plants in it as a part of your substrate, then you should choose fish that can consume plants such as cichlids. This will help to keep the environment balanced and help prevent algae growth.
If you want a fish that will come with more benefits to your tank, you should consider buying a goldfish. Goldfish are very adaptable. They can live in almost any environment and there are no rules that need to be followed to ensure that they’ll stay alive in their tank. They’re perfect for any home because they’re so adaptable, they can tolerate the same amount of water as any other fish, and they won’t overgrow their tank.
You also need to consider factors such as temperature, lighting, water type, and environment that the fish will be in. Also, factor in how often the fish should be fed and if they’re aggressive or shy. There are different types of fish for you to choose from, but choosing one is not as hard as it might sound if you know what to look for.
The material that your tank is made up of, will also influence the type of fish that you can add. Although most fish can live in a variety of environments and they can live in almost any aquarium, not all fish can live in tanks made up of wood, for example. Make sure that you look at how the fish are going to interact with the environment they’ll be in. You can speak to experts in aquarium building to get guidance that will help you in your purchasing decision.
Some of the tools that you need to build your quality aquarium include; a quality fish tank that will accommodate the size and number of fish that you wish to include, substrate, a filter, an aquarium heater, a thermometer, and UV lights. Make sure to do your research about fish care including which type of substrate won’t be harmful to your fish. Research and guidance from aquarium experts also crucial in your decision-making process. You should also purchase all your tools from recommended and reputable vendors to avoid risking their quality.