Sex sells and sex toys sell even better. This is something no one can dispute and it is the thing that will be with us for ages.
Sex is an essential thing for life to continue and it is a natural thing for our species to thrive. With new technologies and breakthroughs in medicine we can now breed without having to have sex at all but it somehow feels strange. It is still frowned upon and is accepted as an option if there are no other solutions.
But let’s get back to the topic at hand. Sex is one of the oldest traits humans have and it has developed much as anything else. Don’t get us wrong the basics of sex is the same but the performance part has changed and evolved, from something private, tender and intimate to something that now sells more than anything else.
The sex toy industry is huge and in 2024 it was estimated to be around $24.5 Billion with potential growth of 5.7% that will reach in 2027. It is crazy to think about these numbers and still know that sex toys, and sex in general, are taboo in certain places. If you want to know a bit more visit here and inform as much as possible.

If you didn’t know the oldest sex toy, a stone dildo to be clear was found in the “Hohler Fells” Cave in the Swabian Jura and it is estimated to be 28,000 years old. It is 19.2 centimetres long and it looks like a phallus. Throughout our history, there were several of these things popping out and they were intended as a tool for women to relieve stress and “scratch an itch” if you like while their men were at war. And there were a lot of wars in our history, so you can imagine how much of these dildo-like things are still out there, undiscovered.
Having a tool to relieve yourself from pain, stress, anxiety was normal back then and it wasn’t something to hide. As we managed to find out Greek soldiers used to leave their women with these dildo-like things so they can satisfy them while they were gone and so they wouldn’t fool around with whatever of the men was left behind.
The change in this behaviour starts sometimes when the Christian fate broadened the earth. According to the teachings of the three monotheistic religions at the beginning of the Common Era ask from everyone for sexual temperance. It even went as far as calling physical pleasure sinful and the objects that were there to help enhance that pleasure had no place there as well. That was the period when the courts have been empowered to punish that kind of immoral behaviour and in that period a crazy number of witches emerged. They were viewed as women who have laid in bed with the devil, but now you can see that it was probably women who were refusing to have any of this stupidity set on them.

The relief from this came with modernity and the court and church had a falling out, but what was interesting is that the same moral precepts remained intact. Thanks to a lot of female hysteria that roamed around in the 19th century a vibrator was invented. It was conceived as a tool to cure female hysteria and it was very successful at it. The instructions that were given in that period was not to enjoy yourself but to get relief from the doctor. It is crazy to think to what extent are human being willing to go just to get some, right?!
The world’s first electrical vibrator was invented in 1880 and it was named Granville’s Hammer by its inventor Joseph Mortimer Granville. What Dr Franville didn’t expect is that a home variant of this, initially a clinical aid, was to emerge some 20 years later and that it will be patented by an American company Hamilton Beach in 1902.
In the 60’s everything turned around and suddenly sex wasn’t that much of a taboo with a lot of new toys coming out, books related to sex and sex educations as well as the start of Sex Therapists which was a new profession that advocated anything that could help with an old problem. In 1968 there was a launch of a very famous sex toy you all know about, and some of you probably own one – Hitachi’s Magic Wand that was considered to be a revolutionary sex toy. With the growth of the world’s Feminist movement these sex toys, or at least those that looked to phallus-like, were changed and adapted to consider female erogenous zones more, which lead us to the downpour of many, many more types and styles of sex toys.

After this film and television had a big impact on sex development and adult toys knowledge and interest. With TV series and moves a lot more people decided to try a few things or products that were advertised there. TV show Sex and the city mentioned a sex toy in an episode and it immediately became sold out. The movie 50 Shades of Grey was also a hit and it gave a lot of freedom and courage to many couples and individuals, to the extent that some of them even started planning their own „Game Room“.
According to surveys across the USA somewhere around 50% of men and women use vibrators, dildos, either alone or together. These numbers are increased when we are talking about a gay community where they rise to around 70%. There are now sites and places that sell sex toys, and other sex aids to their Muslim customers and they are offering erotica that complies with their religious believes. So, as you can see the only restrictions and taboos are in the sales. In some countries like England, you can’t have a dildo as an advertisement in your shop window. Other countries forbid sex toys outright like India which is ridiculous since the holy book of sex the Kama Sutra is an Indian book of love. Despite these limitations, people still go out and buy sex toys for themselves, and despite society’s general feel they are a lot more opened to talk about sex toys than ever.