Cannabis has had quite a reputation from being a shunned herb to be known as a medical miracle. If you’re an ardent user of this herb and are looking for ways it can help you have a good night’s sleep, this blog is curated specially for you. Here, we are going to explain the science behind cannabis and sleep, listing the strains and the consumption methods that you can employ for a long night of deep sleep.
Sleep is an essential activity for every living being, from the wildest animals to the mellow plants. You need the rest to begin afresh the next day, and go on with the tasks. More than rest, your body and mind need sleep to renew, revive, and gather the energy to push through another day. There are many medical issues involved with unhealthy sleep patterns and insomnia, which can ultimately lead to major physical and mental problems.
According to NSF (National Sleep Foundation), almost 30-40 % of the US Population suffers from insomnia at some point in their life, and a whopping 10-15 percent of adults deal with extreme and chronic insomnia. With such a major amount of people suffering from a sleep disorder, people started looking for a cure and found it in the most controversial corner; Cannabis. The Medical Marijuana Community claims that these precious herbs are an effective treatment with almost zero side-effects.
Before we move forward, let’s take a look at the science behind Cannabis and Sleep.
How does Cannabis work?
Cannabis is a blanket word for millions of different strains, each having their own set of properties and effects. These properties can range from mind high to mellow, relaxing one, each aligned with what you are looking for. From your favourite bongs to vapes, as many types of smoking accessories, that many types of cannabis strain; imagine the list!
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Before we move forward with our list of the best cannabis strains for calming and sedating effects, let’s understand how the cannabis works.
There are thousands of cannabinoids in each cannabis plant, however, the two most important ones are THC and CBD. THC is associated with getting high and is more prominent with recreational users. On the other hand, CBD is a non-intoxicating compound that doesn’t make you feel ‘high’ but does entail a number of medical benefits.
Though THC is more responsible for the part of getting high, it also entails the sedative properties and relaxation needed for inducing sleep. Look for strains that contain more THC than CBD, which shouldn’t be very difficult to find.
The idea behind using high THC strain is that it reduces the amount of REM sleep you get. This means you dream less, and for those suffering from PTSD, it translates into having fewer nightmares. Moreover, when you are shortening your REM sleep, you’ll spend more time in the ‘deep sleep’ state which is a more restorative and restful part of the sleep cycle.
Let’s not get carried away. REM sleep is still very crucial for efficient immune functioning and cognitive behaviour. So you have to find a sweet spot between the THC levels where you are not hampering your sleep cycle to the point where your REM sleep is seriously disturbed. And when you do, enjoy that for the longest time.
The Best Strains for a Good Night’s Sleep
You have understood how cannabis works on the sleep cycle and how it helps to provide you with a prolonged deep sleep. Let’s now look at the top 5 strains for sleep and insomnia.
Tahoe OG Kush
This OG Strain is known for having a soothing, muscle relaxing effect on your body, and it is all you need to roll around in your blanket at night. For quicker effect, try the vape method rather than ingesting it. It is also quite strong, even heavier than the usual OG Kush Hybrid.
Granddaddy Purple
Granddaddy Purple is a beautiful looking strain that contains an ample amount of myrcene terpene, which is known to provide relaxing effects that send you straight onto God’s lap. It is one of the most loved strains by cannabis connoisseur, and owing to its popularity, you can spot it everywhere.
Digressing from the fact that higher THC strain works better for sleep issues, Remedy is the answer for those who are high-shy or experience heightened anxiety with high THC. The CBD-dominant strain helps you fall into the deep slumber by relieving pain, anxiety, and stress; the best kind of sleep.
Godʼs Gift
The name suits the amount of relief this beautiful strain provides to the ones suffering from insomnia. If you’re having a heavy head at night and the thoughts are keeping you up, this strain with its aromatic presence of berry and citrus scatters the cloud of despair and drifts you into the sweet, uplifted sleep.
9 Pound Hammer
The effect is in-line with the name of the strain. Known as a no-nonsense strain, its overpowering fragrance of berry and grape allows you to relax while the thoughts drown in your drowsiness.

Source: Cannabis
Consumption methods
Cannabis has various methods of ingestion from the ancient talent of rolling a beautiful joint to the most recent vaporization.
If you’re skilled with your hands and like the smoky cloud of vapor, smoking a joint or toking on a bong would be the correct way to go about it. These methods are quick and efficient, allowing you to feel the effect after just a few seconds. Another smokey method is dabbing, but a word of caution; it makes you seriously ripped, and if you’re a newbie, you might want to stay away from it.
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Some people are not very keen on making your lungs go through the path of smoke, for them, vapes are the best way to go through it. They are much safer and give you the same immediate effect that you would experience from lighting a joint or bong.
Coming to the edibles side, it is a good practice to sublingually ingest tinctures, which are quick to provide the desired effect. Similarly, you can also use edibles and oils. But these may lead to delayed effect since the digestive path is longer than the sublingual one.
Hope you enjoyed this blog and found it informative. If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to comment below.