Did you know that the keys are the most common thing people spend time searching for around their home? An average of 15 minutes is usually spent in search of a house key. Billions of dollars are spent yearly on replacing lost things, including lost keys.
There are a couple of things we’re used to picking up to take with us when exiting our home (mobile phone, keys, wallet) but when we return, we usually place them somewhere without thinking. These kinds of reactions that are automatic are the most frequent reasons we lose or misplace something. Misplacing or losing something you can function without doesn’t cause as much drama as losing a key to your house, work, or car. Luckily, there are professional locksmith services such as Safezone Locksmiths, that can offer help in these situations and solve your problem quickly. Locksmith services are available 24/7 and able to reach any location needed. But how to recognize whether this is a case for a locksmith or not? We give you five cases that can occur, where you might need to call a locksmith to the rescue.
1. The misplaced, lost, or stolen key?

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There’s not a person in the world this didn’t happen to. Maybe you forgot your keys at work, but you’re not 100% sure, and going back might take a while. Maybe you left them on a shelf at the supermarket. There are a lot of maybes involved, but none of them guarantees a solution. You might also have a spare key inside your house, but you’re locked out, and cannot get it. The first thing that usually comes to your mind is to break a window in the back and get in the house. Or simply break or pick the lock, to go inside. If this happens, think twice. The locks that can easily be picket are history. Nowadays, all of them have special protection against break-ins, that an average person cannot cope with. This is the ideal situation to call a locksmith service, simply because they are professionals who know how to deal with these things.
Moreover, they have the right tools to do it. Trying yourself can inflict even more damage, and the solutions can cost you even more money than calling a locksmith in the first place. An important thing to think about if you suspect your key has been stolen is to replace the whole lock. Even if there’s the slightest doubt, it’s better to change the complete lock and sleep sound knowing your home is safe. But if you are sure you just lost it, then a simple key replacement is possible without having to change the whole lock.
2. Your key is broken

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Using one key for a long period can cause a worn out. This does not necessarily have to be a situation with your home keys, but also with the keys of your car. Most of the car keys are working based on microchips installed inside, and are ran by a battery. Some are even in the form of a card. In any case, they can easily get broken by dropping and hitting the hard surface, which makes it impossible to start a car afterward. It’s not a big deal if you’re home and you have a spare key, but being elsewhere complicates things. Locksmiths have the digital equipment for coding and fixing your keys, in a matter of minutes, without you having to be toe trucked to reach home. Their services are usually mobile, so they can get to you wherever you are.
3. Outdated lock

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Some suggest that changing your lock is a smart thing to do every few years. Especially in cases where you have been giving out the keys to your home to family and friends. This will surely contribute to safety. On the other hand, if you are experiencing difficulties in opening and closing the doors, or locking and unlocking, locksmiths offer you another solution without having to change the whole lock. They can re-key your lock. This is a faster, cheaper, and way more simple solution comparing to lock change. It means you will be changing the inside of a door lock. The pins and springs inside the locks are removed and replaced with new ones. This also requires a new set of keys that will work with the new system, which is no problem, just tell the locksmith how many copies you need.
4. You want to improve your security

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All of the things we already mention about changing the locks, re-keying, and things, are contributing to the security of your living or working space. But is there anything else you can consider that can improve security. Locksmith services can offer you the inspection of the place and suggest potential solutions that add up to security. These can refer to anything from installing security locks to your windows as well, single key entry to your home or office, keyless entry system, to installing a safe where you can keep your valuable things secure. If you are already using a safe to secure your valuable things, but recently your lock has been jamming, a locksmith is a service to turn to for a solution.
5. You have moved

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Cleaning and wall painting service are usually at the top of our priority list when we are moving. Well, you should consider changing all the locks inside your new home or office, because you never know whether the previous owner or someone close to him can have a key to your real-estate. Even if someone you have been living with for years and had a nasty fight has moved out, calling a locksmith to change the locks and avoid uncomfortable situations is the thing to do. This really should make the top of your priority list when moving.
Situations, where a locksmith comes in handy, are plenty, regardless of whether you need them for your home, office, car, or a motorcycle. We hope these five examples of cases motivated you to think twice before trying to break the lock yourself and cause more damage then needed.