Most of us have abstained from something we loved at least once before. Whether it’s going on a diet, giving up alcohol or even making a commitment to stay away from shopping, at some point you’ve decided to cut yourself off from the one thing that might soothe you when you’ve had a rough couple of days. These can be great opportunities to do some soul searching and learn more about what actually makes you tick and why. For one girl, refraining from hopping in the sack with anyone for a whole year proved to be just the mental journey she needed to realign her priorities and ultimately, her life.
Hot Mess

This girl’s life was moving at the speed of lightning! Almost 30 years old, this woman realized that she had not been single in 14 years. Her on-again off-again relationships with the men in her life had left her with nothing but regret and four kids (with three different men). Seeking a life void of heartbreak and dependency, she set out to reinvent the wheel for herself.
Self Check

During her soul search, she realized that the common denominator in all of her fizzled romances had been the sex. In fact , after evaluating each experience, she realized that the sex had happened early on in all of her relationships and almost always became the source of her rose-colored blinders when it came to choosing which men were going to stick around. Besides sex, there was hardly any real intimacy involved.
Do something you’ve never done

Now that she realized what her problem was, she set out to change herself and thus recreate her perspective on love and life. She decided to take drastic measures which included abstaining from sex altogether. While this seemed like an impossible feat (especially with her dependency on physical relationships), she was determined that her next relationship would be a healthy one, free of any lust that might overwhelm her search for love.
Falling in Love With Yourself

Source: Power of Positivity
While this whole challenge sounds easier said than done, this girl claims that her decision to renew herself and reject sex and dates with other men was quite possibly the most rewarding thing she had ever done. Remaining celibate for 450 days, she claims that the break in boning gave her the freedom to focus on her wants and needs. It also freed her from insecurities and allowed her to not be a prisoner of her own emotions.
Self Over Sex
Would you be able to abstain from love-making for an entire year?
Original by: Leah Oby