Are you preparing for a Halloween party and want to make your costume as unique and original as possible? Or maybe you are a make-up artist or even a photographer planning the next big project that will launch you to the top? Whatever the reason, there is only one way you can change your or your model’s eye color. Obviously, we are talking about the colored contact lenses, and in the following text, we are going to tell you more about them.

Source: Key-Whitman Eye Center
Colored contacts are designed to mimic the natural appearance of the eyes, and since there are numerous colors and shapes, there are three main types of these contacts. Visibility tint adds a light blue or green tint to your eye, but it does not change their natural color. Enhancement tint is a bit darker, and as you can guess, its goal is to emphasize the natural color of your eyes. The last type is opaque tint and it will change your eye color immediately. They come in a variety of bold colors which means that you can easily transform yourself into a vampire or an alien.
There are two kinds of colored contact lenses – prescription and plano. How to choose which one to get? Well, it fairly simple and it depends on whether or not you have problems with your vision. If you have astigmatism or are near-sighted or far-sighted, you should go with the former one. They will not only affect the color of your eyes but also help you improve your vision, even though they cannot treat any of the above-mentioned conditions. On the other hand, the latter is used only for cosmetic reasons and do not alter your vision.

Source: Chang Eye Group
It is of utmost importance to consult your optometrist before purchasing any of these. Even if you want to get plano ones, it is important to go check your eyesight and consult with the doctor. Unfortunately, not everyone can use these, which is why a consultation is necessary. Plus, they are considered medical devices approved by the FDA which means that you need a prescription in order to buy them. Since these are widely used nowadays, you can even order them online from companies like Ofovv.
When it comes to choosing the color, you have to consider the natural appearance of your eyes. If you have light-colored eyes, then you should go for a tint that will enhance the natural color and sharpens the edges of the iris. On the other note, if your eyes are dark, then you have to choose opaque tint the might slightly or totally change their color. The choice is all yours.

Source: Amazon
Finally, you have to know how to properly take care of contacts in order to avoid all kinds of problems like an eye infection. First of all, you must wash your hand meticulously before handling these. Always insert them before applying make-up, and never share them with anyone. Furthermore, you have to clean them regularly, and you will find the instructions on how to do it on the packaging. Use the special solution and keep them in the proper case. Lastly, you should never go to bed with the contact in your eyes, and you should also consult with the doctor when it comes to how long you can wear them.