A New York plastic surgeon is developing a “Vacation Breasts” implant that only lasts two or three weeks. The surgeon, Dr. Norman Rowe, already uses an “Insta Breast” enhancement, which increases breast size by a cup and a half, but it only lasts 24 hours. That procedure only takes 20 minutes, and when the clock strikes 24 hours, the breasts deflate back to their old selves, like Cinderella’s carriage turning back into a pumpkin. Science, gotta love it! He’s working with the FDA and hoping to offer the more long-term version of the procedure to patients by 2016.

Source: YouTube
I can see this being a useful idea for someone who’s considering implants but wants to see how they’d really look before committing. It would also be pretty kickass if you wanted to fill out your new bikini on a trip Cabo or Vegas, or felt like switching things up with your significant other for a few days. I don’t know how well it would go over if you got vacation boobs for an event in your hometown with the people you knew best, like your annual holiday party or even your wedding. I might be alone in thinking this, but wouldn’t explaining the rise and fall of your short-lived D-cups to everyone you know get exhausting? Or is looking great in your wedding pictures worth it? I guess it depends on a person’s tolerance for dealing with rude/annoying people. I’d like to pretend people wouldn’t grill you about your ever-changing chest, because ew, that’s none of their business, but let’s be real, common courtesy is sorely lacking in this world and people just blurt whatever observation pops into their heads half the time. Gather 200 of your closest family and friends for a wedding or reunion, and I can pretty much guarantee you’d spend a massive chunk of the event you got the boob job for either explaining the boobs or explaining why you don’t feel like talking about the boobs – only to repeat the process over again once the two-week boob expansion deflated.

Source: Plastic Surgery Channel
I suppose whether it’s worth it also depends on your tolerance for minor pain. I hate needles, so if I did something like this, the reward for dealing with one would have to last longer than three weeks unless I had a really epic and boob-worthy life event coming up. The 24-hour augmentation, which costs about $2,500, is administered by injecting a saline solution directly into the breast. This has some chance of dangerous side effects, but the likelihood is very low. It’s likely that this new procedure would be injected in a similar way, and would be cheaper. Rowe also suggested that dudes may want to use the procedure to enhance their calves or pecs.
Original by: Claire Hannum