More and more people are getting less and less sleep which results in being extra sleepy during the day. What’s more is that because we are sleepy during the day, it’s hard to resist the urge for a quick nap during the day. Having to rely on, and consume, energy drinks and caffeine to stay awake will create a vicious cycle. What’s more damaging is that caffeine reduces the quality and amount of sleep you’re getting each day.
There are many things you can do in order to deal with sleepiness. In this article, we are going to discuss some of those, so stick around and find out how to naturally deal with sleepiness.
1. Move Around
It’s tempting to wake up and drink your morning coffee in order to wake you up. But a Ph.D. professor at California State University has conducted a study in which it involved an energy bar and a quick 10-minute walk. In this study, the professor tested whether the energy bar or the 10-minute walk will keep a person more energized. The energy bar proved instant results, however, the subjects were more sleepy an hour after. However, the 10-minute walk proved to be a major success since they found that pumping oxygen through our bodies by taking a 10-minute walk will increase your energy levels for two to three hours. This shows us that if your work involves a desk job, taking quick walks during your brake will make you more energized and refreshed.
2. Provigil
Provigil is not a natural solution, but rather a necessary one. Provigil is made out of modafinil, which reduces sleepiness due to narcolepsy. This medication will help you stay awake if your daily work schedule involves sitting around most of the time. Provigil doesn’t cure sleep disorders, but rather helps in the case of feeling tired during the day.
3. Enjoy The View
Many of you sit around at a desk in an office all day and stare at a computer screen. This can drastically tire our eyes and make us feel sleepy and exhausted. Yes, you can get exhausted by sitting around staring at your computer screen. So we recommend you get up and look through your window. You might not see anything special, but try not to fixate on your computer screen for 10 minutes. It will help you in a way that you will no longer fixate your eyes on a single frame by staring at your monitor.
4. Eat Healthily
We all love to eat a candy snack because it gives us a quick energy boost, however, that energy boost quickly vanishes and is replaced by sugar lows that cause lethargy and fogginess. So for this, we suggest you replace your sugary snacks for the day with something healthier like peanut butter crackers, yogurt, nuts, fresh fruit, carrots, or a low-fat cream cheese.
5. Start a Conversation
If you’re starting to feel the tiredness getting to you, consider having a conversation with someone just to get your mind going. Conversations can have a positive effect in battling sleepiness since, well quite frankly, it gets the flow going. Consider a conversation on various subjects that will make you think about it for some time. This will preoccupy the brain and replace all those thoughts of your bed, with thoughts of something else. Just make sure not to talk about your desire to hit the sack early.