For most people, selling a property during the holidays comes with a whole bunch of challenges. The weather is quite chilly and wet around November and December, which implies that more work is needed to keep your house in mint condition. However, the cold and damp weather should not push you into squelching your holiday spirit if your house is on sale around this time. You can be festive and still keep your home in character and attractive to prospective buyers. Here are a few tips on how to decorate your home when it is listed for sale during the holidays.

Source: Balboa Realty
Declutter and Clean Before Any Decoration
Decluttering your home is the number one rule for anyone planning to stage their property for sale. Adding holiday décor to a house full of furniture, knick-knacks, and other unnecessary objects will only add a sense of overcrowding to it, which is not good for your sale. This is why you should declutter your home by packing up every unnecessary item and giving the house a good and deep clean up. Specialist home stagers recommend sorting your items into various categories for easy pre-packing and decluttering. Such categories may include ‘Keep,’ ‘Donate,’ and ‘Trash’ classes. Items that fall under the ‘Keep’ category can then be reorganized, while those unessential for daily living are stored away.
Create a Cozy Vibe
You want to maintain a festive mood in your house while keeping it attractive to potential buyers. A few subtle touches on your home’s key elements will go a long way in creating a feeling of coziness around the house. Such elements include lighting, flowers, rugs and flooring, artwork, mirrors, and the curtains. The idea is to bring a positive vibe to your house without necessarily having to spend much. For a perfect ‘first impression,’ ensure that your holiday decorations complement these elements. The same applies to your color palette. For example, if you have an earthy color palette, then you might want to complement your house with rich tones, such as gold and forest greens.

Source: Redfin
Do Not Overdo Your Decorations
It is said that less is more when decorating a house set for sale during the holidays. This is not the time to compete with your neighbors for the most decorated home. An overdecorated house can be quite distracting for most potential buyers. While plenty of ornaments and twinkle lights augur well with your festive mood, not every prospective client will be impressed by them. Again, the simpler you keep your decorations, the easier it will be for you to put them up, pull them down, and clean around.
Depersonalize Your Decor
It is fundamental to have home decorations that appeal to the tastes and preferences of different home buyers. This is why you should avoid personalized decorations that only appeal to you and your loved ones. Put away any named Christmas stocking, religious symbols or tokens, and all holiday cards. You might also want to avoid personalized tree ornaments with such slogans as ‘Best Mum’ or ‘Best Dad.’ Such customized décor will keep most buyers off your track. Instead, use general décor accessories, when necessary, with no name or titles on them. Simple but stylish wall hangings, nicely painted walls and adequate lighting are some of the most preferred styles for various people.

Source: Pinterest
Accentuate the Best of Your Home Features
Your house is likely to sell faster if its selling points are well displayed with the right décor. For example, you can catch the buyers’ eyes with your beautiful porch or archway by highlighting it with single shiny ornaments. Hanging attractive string garlands up the stair railing may be a great way to show off your curved staircase. For contemporary and elegant displays on your shelves, make sure that you rearrange your books and organize the decorative accessories with simplicity.
Get Your Lighting Right
A poorly lit house is an automatic disadvantage for anyone planning to sell their home. Lighting is one of the elements that determine the first impression created to the buyer, and you want to ensure that you get it right. Ideally, it would be best if you toned down the bright and showy light displays in your house while strategically highlighting the key spots. However, if your house is located around a neighborhood where everyone is ablaze with holiday lights, then a buyer would expect the same replicated to your house. Generic decorations and lighting may also work best for your home if you hail from a neighborhood with a mix of religious beliefs.
To ensure that you are right with your lighting, consider using accent lighting and the right color temperature. You can also upgrade your bulbs and light fixture with modern and stylish ones. Do not forget to have a well-lit exterior. Exterior and path lighting are quite inviting, and the welcoming impression that comes with it cannot be disputed.

Source: Mansion Global
Get the Appropriate Size of Holiday Decorations
You must ensure that the holiday decorations you add to your home are of the right size. Using decorations of large sizes detracts from your home’s best features. Rightly sized décor should help amplify the charm in a room, and show off the elegance in its space and lighting. Your objective is to celebrate the holidays while honoring your property’s value.
Go Neutral
According to The Advisory, going neutral is one way homeowners can sell their homes quickly as they remain festive for the season. You can check out for more ideas on how to sell your home fast. It would be best if you used decorations that make the holidays meaningful to you while keeping potential buyers on track. This is where neutrality comes in. Going neutral may imply using neutral colors, creating a blank house canvass, or unbiased artwork. A neutral and a less decorated house gives the potential buyer a chance to envision their own decorations on the house, thus increasing your chances of selling the house.