When you head into any store of your choice, you often have many products in front of you to pick from. Usually, the sheer wealth of choice can make it hard for us to make a purchase. How often, then, do you find yourself browsing through your phone for that killer piece of information?
If you do, then you are one of the many people who, according to Signal boosters, make one-third of their decisions about a product based on their mobile device. They suggest that we spend a huge amount of time in a store merely looking at the ideas others have given us.
From reviews of the product to price comparison, we look to influence our decisions based almost entirely on what our phone can tell us. And you are not alone. With over 60% of people now today having used their smartphones to buy a product in the last six months, most of us are happy to indulge in a bit of retail commerce.

Img source: anthillonline.com
With so much information online and through our phones, too, it is very easy to see why. The scale of information and the fact that over third of product sales take place online via a mobile device makes it easy to feel comfortable making a purchase in this manner.
Another reason for such a large increase in mobile commerce is the social aspect of it, friends can share websites with one another and make purchases while they are out socializing. Take for example discounts and sales, news of these promotions often spread via word of mouth, so you could be at your friend’s house when you hear about a certain site having a promotion and there and then you can use your mobile to grab the discount before it ends. As with all shopping, recommendations from friends and family are often a large part of a one’s decision to buy, and mobile commerce allows you to purchase on those recommendations there and then.
So, if you are serious about making the most of your smartphone or your access to the web, use it to help you shop. You would be joining the 2 billion online users who gain their access to the internet using a smartphone. It will help you to find out much more than you already know about a product you intend to buy.
Use all the information at your disposal to help make your purchases a little easier: you won’t be the only doing so.