Dogs are always in style, so I wasn’t surprised to see a hip pooch chilling at a party I attended last weekend. I was a bit surprised that the dog donned a cape, but I was even more surprised when the owner told me the cape was less about fashion and more for psychological reasons. In the age of Burberry dog coats and Louis Vuitton dog collars, a pooch in fancy threads barely merits recognition. A dog in a cape to ease his canine anxiety? Now that’s a trendsetter.
Turns out there is a whole new booming industry of doggie clothing and accessories to help ease your pup’s state of mind without therapy. Here’s what we found…
The Storm Defender Cape: Because dogs have extra dog senses they can detect an oncoming thunder storm before we can. If your four-legged friend suffers from thunder and lightening phobia, buy the Storm Defender Cape. This cape works by reducing the culprit of your pooch’s fear: static charge. The cape has a metal interior which shields the dog from sensing the increased static charge in the air before a storm, so no early alarm bells of a storm equals no puppy panic.There is something slightly ironic about a fearful dog wearing a cape like Superman, but hey, we all have our issues. [$54.99,]

The Gentle Leader® Calming CapTM: Isn’t there a statistic that states you are more likely to die on the car ride to the airport than in a plane crash? No wonder your dog has anxiety as you cruise down the highway! This cute cap is not only a must-have summer accessory but also a way to relax your pup without the hassle of taking him to doggy yoga. The secret of this cap seems to be that it covers the dogs eyes, so methinks this is the best buy for the pouch who is scared of the dark. [$15.99, The Gentle Leader Calming Cap,]

Anxiety Wrap: This puppy pashmina claims to help your dog “cope & overcome their past and present issues.” The wrap uses “maintained pressure” to soothe your pup and bring him to a relaxed enough state to work out his longstanding problems. If only there was a wrap that would allow men to work through their commitment phobias…. [$64,]

Source: The Anxiety Wrap
Original by: Ali Jawin