During pregnancy, the woman’s body goes through so many changes. It is said that this is the most beautiful period of every woman’s life, but it is also the most demanding one, and there are so many things we need to be extremely careful about. We are making a new life and a new person inside us, and we are the only one who is responsible for them. Whatever the woman does, the baby can feel it and it can affect them both in positive and negative ways. It is a known fact that women have to stay away from alcohol during this amazing period, but when it comes to drinking wine, the lines are blurry.
If you are expecting, or if you are planning on getting pregnant, and you are a wine lover, you probably have a lot of questions about this beverage and its effects on the fetus during pregnancy. If you are interested in knowing the facts, risks, and myths when it comes to this beverage, you’ve come to the right place. Here we are going to give you the latest 2024 news, and we will tell you what the doctors and professionals recommend. Know that every pregnancy is different, and even though this information will be beneficial for you, you should consult your GP before you decide to do anything on your own.
Drinking while trying to conceive

Source: nypost
This is something that many moms to be are wondering, and they want to know if it is okay to drink a glass or two while trying to get pregnant. Many doctors have different opinions about this, but the reality is, even a moderate amount of alcohol can lower your chances of conceiving. Because of that, it is best if both parents stayed away from any substances that would lower the chances or that could harm the baby.
As you already know, the fetus is at its most vulnerable during the first three months, so if possible, you should stay away from any alcohol as soon as you start trying for a baby. You should definitely stay away from it in the earliest stages and later on, consult with your gynecologist if it is okay for you to consume a glass or two per day.
How many glasses of wine are allowed per day?

Source: contemporaryobgyn
Is it safe to drink small amounts of alcohol when you are past the first 3 months of pregnancy? This is another thing many women wonder, and it is normal. In the past, we were taught that a glass or two will not harm the fetus and that it is okay, and even recommended for you to drink it if you crave this beverage.
The latest studies have shown that any amount of alcohol can affect the fetus, and it may cause some serious indications. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are conditions that can occur because the mother drank alcohol during her pregnancy. They can lead to physical and intellectual changes to the fetus and they can be avoided if you stay away from any type of alcohol.
If you enjoy the taste of wine, but if you want to be safe and keep your baby protected, BadassMomWine suggests that you can drink non-alcoholic beverages that have the same taste. These drinks will not harm the fetus, they are free of alcohol and they have pretty much the same taste like the real thing.
So, to answer the question, you should try and stay away from wine altogether. You should not drink even one glass per day, and look for different beverages that can offer the same taste without the risk.
Is it okay to consume this beverage on special occasions?

Source: today
Another thing that many women want to know, and it is another valid question. You may like this beverage, but you also may prefer it only on special occasions. So, this begs the question, is it okay if we drink only one glass once every month, only on birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations?
The first thing we can say is that your body does not know that it is Christmas or New Year. Your body does not care if it is your friends’ 40th birthday, and it does not care that it is your anniversary. It will not do anything differently on that day, and it will not process the alcohol in a different manner just because it is a special occasion for you.
As we mentioned before, there are fetal disorders that can sometimes occur because of drinking alcoholic beverages, so no matter what the day is, you should stay away from any of these beverages. Another thing moms to be, ask if it is okay to drink expensive beverages and those who are supposed to be made in different ways. It is said that drinking is not safe in the period while you are expecting, and no matter if you purchase a beverage that is 20 dollars, or one that is two thousand, it is still going to affect you and the baby. Yes, the cheapest one is going to possibly make the damage even worse, and it will cause heartburn for you, but you are not completely safe even if you purchase the most expensive bottle you can find.
Even though this is probably not the answer you wanted to hear, no amount of this beverage is safe during the time while you are carrying the baby. Know that if you drink while you are expecting, or after you give birth, you risk harming the baby, and lowering the amount of milk you produce. Know that after you give birth, pumping out the milk and throwing it away will not keep the baby safe. This drink will stay in your bloodstream for a long period of time, and you won’t be able to feed your newborn without risking them drinking alcohol.
Because of all these things, you should always consult with your gyno before you decide to drink anything that contains alcohol in it. It is better to stay safe during this period and make sure that you are protecting your fetus in any way possible. When you stop breastfeeding, you will be able to enjoy this delicious beverage, and you will know you did everything you can to keep your baby safe.