It was so intense that she cried
Jenny Block she was going to put the culmination of her life’s work into her book, The Ultimate Guide to Solo Sex, when she got the unexpected thrill of her life. Naturally, Jenny is quite familiar with her body and how to pleasure it, but she took a class with a legendary sexual instructor one day, and it changed everything for her. She even got a little help from the woman herself, and she’s in her 80’s.
A Woman’s Body

Source: Marie Claire Australia
Although she considers herself a master of self-pleasure, Sex-positive author Jenny Block heard of a class that could teach even her about how women should appreciate everything about their vaginas. She wrote, “I decided to take a workshop under the tutelage of the queen of female maturation/founder of female sex positivity/the world’s greatest cheerleader of female orgasm: Betty Dodson.
Though she’s in her 80s and had taken many years off from this part of her practice, Betty had just recently begun offering her BodySex workshops: two full days of women sitting naked in a circle for orgasm talk, pussy show & tell, ‘recess’ (where everyone masturbates at the same time while in the circle), and group massage.”
That can either sound very titillating or very nerve-wracking depending on who you ask, but Betty has been helping women since before the sexual revolution. “Since the 1960s, Betty has been writing and teaching and turning traditional ‘wisdom’ about women’s bodies and sexuality on its head. Because for far too long, women have been taught their sexuality should be kept in the dark and should take a backseat to men’s sexuality.
How women’s bodies actually work has been shrouded in unnecessary mystery. In fact, the clitoris was not explored in its entirely until the 1990s. Not to mention the fact that we can safely say that 75 percent of women cannot orgasm solely from penetration and that’s citing things on the safe, as many experts will tell you that it’s closer to 95 percent. This has also been kept under wraps, making women feel like failures for needing clitoral stimulation to climax,” Jenny wrote of the experience.
The Sexy Scene
Jenny and her classmates showed up at Betty’s legendary apartment in New York City, a place where sex parties and classes have been held for decades. Jenny said, “I nervously showed up at her apartment, stripped off my clothes as instructed, and took a seat, naked, awaiting the arrival of my fellow participants. They soon trickled in.
There were 8 of us in all. Another writer. A woman whose husband deemed her ‘frigid.’ A woman with a perfect yoga body and a perfectly unnecessary case of vagina shame. Two women who wanted to become certified to host BodySex workshops. One woman who wanted to experience more meaningful orgasms, and Betty’s business partner, Carlin Ross.”
After discussing their vaginas and vulvas openly, the women started to feel more connected to each other. They even went out to dinner together. The next day, it was time to perform in front of each other. Jenny explained the event, “The process began with Betty outlining the ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll’ method of masturbation which Carlin then demonstrated. You’d have to be a dead person not to be turned on by a hot woman getting herself off in a room full of beautiful women watching her, whether you think of yourself as someone who is attracted to women or not. So, I think I can safely say we were all in the right frame of mind for the main event.”
Work It, Girl

Source: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock
Jenny went along with the process which felt great at first. She recounted, “I followed the instructions. I used the barbell and the vibrator. Inserting the one pound, solid stainless steel dildo into my vagina while focusing the vibrator on my clit. This, explained Betty, is the key. I staved off each orgasm that threatened to appear too soon by removing the vibrator from my clit, not moving the barbell and using my brain to tell my body, ‘Not yet. Not yet…’”
Then she hit a brick wall. “I got stuck. I couldn’t come. Or wouldn’t come. Or something. All I knew was that the longer it took, the more worried I got, and the more worried I got, the farther away my elusive orgasm seemed.
So I did as we were instructed. I raised my hand. We had been told to raise our hands if we got stuck, an indication that we were in need of the more powerful Magic Wand if the Mystic version wasn’t doing the trick. Betty saw my hand in the air, nodded, did not grab the Wand, and crawled over to me.”
Masturbatory Help
The octogenarian started to stimulate Jenny in a way that she never felt before. Jenny explained, “She put her hand on my chest and took the barbell from my hand. ‘Keep the vibrator on your clit,’ she said as she moved the barbell in and out of my body, changing its position and the speed ever so slightly, watching my face and my body as she did.
I instantly felt something different, something more connected and intense. I feel at a strange loss for words trying to describe how it felt without sounding cheesy. But the truth was, it felt delicious. I felt as if I was melting under her touch.
And then it happened.”
Jenny experienced an orgasm like no other; it was even emotional. She couldn’t understand if it was a series of them or just one massive one. She said, “If it had been a movie, the heavens would have opened and the sun would have streamed through and the birds would have begun merrily chirping. I began to orgasm and orgasm and orgasm and to cry and cry and cry. I occasionally cry when I come, when the orgasm is super-intense and hard-won.”
It was life-changing for her. “It’s crazy — if you had asked me if I would ever have sex with an 85-year-old woman, I don’t think I would have even answered. I would have simply laughed And for that, I am ashamed,” Jenny said of the experience. “Well, I’ll tell you what, the last thing on my mind when Betty Dodson was between my legs was age.”
You can learn more about Jenny’s book. Would you take a class like this if you thought you could have the orgasm of a lifetime?
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Original by Emily Hingle