Just a decade or two ago, traveling around the planet was not as feasible for the average citizen. Most people did not have the time or the money to easily go from one continent to another. But, it seems like technology is improving and a lot of things related to travel are changing. We do not have to rely on cars and roads anymore because plane tickets are now cheaper than ever. And thanks to flight tracking apps, you can now save even more time and money.
However, if you have not been introduced to the world of airline flight path tracking sites or apps, it is time to get familiar with them. It is an easy way to save you a lot of time and to cut down on the costs of plane tickets.
These days, you get to choose from hundreds of different applications that offer a similar service.
But, if you are still confused with this type of service, I decided to write this guide for 2024 that will explain just exactly how these applications can save your wallet and your time.
1. Easy overview of flight paths

Source: tomsguide
In the past, before the Internet, people did not have any kind of way to access the current flight paths of airlines. In fact, most people could not even see older travel paths of airplanes. The only possible way to obtain such information would be to ask an airline to show you.
However, today, things are very different. With access to the Internet, you have can easily get an overview of every single flight path in your country from every airline. All of this is achievable with a press of a button. Whether you do it on a website or an app on your phone, it does not really matter.
So, how does this help you save money or time? I assume that this is what you are in asking yourself right now. Well, with this important information that you have, you can determine which plane will arrive at your closest airport and when it will take off next. We can use this gap between flights to your advantage.
If you were to buy a plane ticket doing that gap, you would probably obtain it for a much cheaper price.
2. Accessibility

Source: cathaypacific
Like I already said previously, while technology improves, things around us started to change and our lives are becoming simpler and easier. One of the biggest reasons why our lives are becoming so easier is because we have so much more accessibility to a lot of things. We now have access to things that never had in the past.
Of course, and talking about computers, laptops, and more specifically, smartphones. With smartphones and their easy access to the Internet, we can obtain any kind of information we want in less than 10 seconds. With a quick search on Google, you can easily get what you want.
Obviously, this kind of accessibility also makes flying simpler. Scheduling a flight, obtaining plane tickets, or checking out where you can travel to next is so easy. You pull up any of these flight tracking applications and you can easily see the prices, the time, and date as suggested by flightradar.live.
If you had to physically purchase the plane ticket by yourself, it would probably take you several hours to do that. If everyone had to physically purchase plane tickets today, it would probably even take more time during the summer season. But, since you have easy access to these applications or websites on the Internet, you can get the ticket in less than a minute.
Consider that fact. Consider just how much time you are able to save. And as they say, time is money.
3. Usually cheaper

Source: travelandleisure
In the past, before the Internet, before we had axes to these types of applications, plane tickets were very expensive. But, as people finally understood that travel is much simpler than it seemed, prices of plane tickets started to drop. Today, it is very affordable to travel from Europe to North America and from North America to Eastern Asia. It really is cheaper than ever.
But, if there is a way to save even more money, would you do it? Well, I think the answer to this question for everyone is yes. Every single one of us wants to save money where we can.
Well, it seems like these kinds of apps managed to obtain the cheapest plane tickets ever. Whether they have managed to cooperate with a certain airlines or whether they managed to grab the tickets as quickly as possible, it does not really matter. What matters is that these apps usually provide the cheapest tickets you can find on the Internet. Well, anywhere.
4. Premium apps or even cheaper tickets

Source: gobanking
Believe it or not, but there is also a way to make your plane tickets even cheaper. I know, it sounds ridiculous. But, it is very possible.
Some of these applications are entirely free while others require you to pay a premium. It is either a one-time purchase or a subscription-based payment. Naturally, the subscription-based payment is usually cheaper at first, but once you accumulate the subscriptions of several months, it is more expensive than a one-time payment.
Some of these more premium applications have better tracking and access to the information of flight past that usually would not show up on this type of app. With this newly obtain information, there is a possibility that you might find a plane ticket that is cheaper than every other option you have seen on the Internet or physically.
Although, I do have to mention that this is not always the case. Even if you do pay that premium subscription or one-time purchase, it is uncertain whether you will be able to find a discount on a flight.
As you can see, flight tracking apps are very useful in 2024 and can save you a lot of time or money. Just make sure you do your research to download the right one.