Sexy secrets!
Everyone has a dark side. Wading at the back of most people’s personalities, it’ll remain dormant until something or someone coaxes it out. If your dark side is drawn out during sexy time, it can get… crazy. From orgies to BDSM, there is a sexy activity for everyone’s naughtier nature.
Although, you may not end up with the person who let your night-time freak flag fly. As tragic as it may be, you may end up with someone more… vanilla, forced to hide the darkest (and, probably, the best) parts of your sexual history.
While these Redditors couldn’t tell their significant others about their past, they can tell us. After all, is it really that bad these Redditors are keeping these sexual adventures from their lovers?
On the Web

Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock
My ex and I used to do online cam porn together. My SO knows that my ex did cam porn on her own to make money but she doesn’t know we started it together and it was my idea. As much fun as it was, it got too stressful trying to get coins or whatever and it would suck if you had trouble “performing” on cue…you know cause the internet is so nice and supportive… (ToKenDabs)
In the Open

Credit: Fat/Shutterstock
I used to f*** my ex in public, a lot. Like, way more than I’ve ever let on. 70% of our sex life was spent in public places, bathrooms, backs of cars, middle of the woods. Public sex has become a huge turn on for me, but my SO is a little bit shy and anxious about it, and I don’t want to push her to do something she isn’t ready for quite yet. I’ll tell her in due time, because I really don’t want to pressure her. (Dbzdokkanbattleislif)

I had a year long relationship with a man. Women dont want bi men. Even though 95% of the people im attracted to are women. (Dfgog96)
Good Advice

MY girlfriend and I met on an app, and it clearly lists that she’s bi on it. Well, technically pansexual (main difference being that the person is ok with people, regardless of gender identity – you might be surprised at how many people are no at all cool with a trans partner, even if they’re bi). It’s just a more encompassing term than bi. I knew this going in, and we didn’t even meet up as a date, just to hang out.
She asked me maybe three times in that first meeting if I was sure I knew what that meant. That she’d been in a long-term relationship with a male, that she’s dated and slept with men. She followed up with story after story of meeting up with women from the same app and getting yelled at, or generally made to feel s***ty for having romantic involvement with any male. She wasn’t really queer, obviously, and was just trying to find a woman to please some other man.
I’m not attracted to men, and I know that the “gold star” sub-culture exists that assumes bi people are cheaters, or sex-addicted maniacs that will sleep with anyone.
All it means is that if they like you, your junk isn’t going to change their opinion. Sexual history has way too much importance for some people. So long as things are safe and consensual, what f***s should anyone else give? You had a good time, things took their course, and I really hope you find someone that you can be fully open and honest with, OP (brandnamenerd)
The Most Interesting Man in the World

Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock
Part of a screaming eagle.
Been in an orgy.
Eating ass.
Three ways. Both kinds.
I’m pretty open to stuff. But my SO is really, really vanilla. I’m okay with that. But I don’t think we’re at the point where I tell her. (thedankbank1021)
Young, dumb, and fulla cum

Credit: PhotoMediaGroup/Shutterstock
When I was 19, me and three other guys took turns banging two chicks.
We invited these two chicks over to my buddy’s house, because we knew they’d be down for some action. We realized they were outbumbered, but just figured we’d let them pick which of us they wanted to bang.
We played some drinking games, got loaded, started playing truth or dare, ended with one of the girls dragging me and my buddy into a bedroom, and the other chick dragging the other two into the same bedroom. There was a king sized bed, and the girls got naked, laid next to each other, and we took turns banging them.
The weird part is that none of us received blow jobs. While two of us were banging, the other two would awkwardly stand at the end of the bed waiting our turn and trying desperately not to make eye contact. (Plus, the angle we were at gave a very unfortunate view of our friend’s asses, so I just remember looking around the room while impatiently waiting my turn.)
We never really talked about it after that night, it wasn’t some bonding moment s***, it actually was way more awkward and uncomfortable to bring up than anything.
I haven’t told my wife and probably wouldn’t, just because it’s kind of embarrassing, really. I wouldn’t do it again if I had the chance, and have stuck to one on one f***ing ever since (delabait)
But, why?

Credit: Golubovy/Shutterstock
Dated a porn star. (Throwawaycarne)
Neighbor Envy

Credit: Iuliia Gatcko/Shutterstock
In the year before I went to university, I was pretty much in a three-way relationship with a married couple who lived down the road from my house. They were also into swinging and hosted swing parties fairly often and I went to some of them, despite being generally 20-30 years younger than almost everyone else there. I ended up having group sex a few times as well as engaging in quite a few other ‘firsts’. On one occasion my dad’s (now former) business partner came to a party and I ended up giving him a blowjob while a bunch of other people watched. I’ve never told anyone, not my current SO and not even my best friend, about what I was getting up to during that year. (thekittyliker)

Almost all of it. Bottom line is that she knows what things I like but my previous history is unknown (and she really doesn’t want to know).
Similarly, I’ve never asked about her previous sexual history. I don’t know or want to know.
Beyond disclosing STDs to your partner, how is previous sexual history relevant to a current relationship? (slayer991)
Vanilla is the best flavor for some

Credit: Kuznechik/Shutterstock
My ex was super in to BDSM. We didn’t have penetrative sex due to his religion- how he squared the other stuff we did with the Big G i’ll never know, but whatever. He would tie my arms and legs up, make me drink a load of water over the course of an hour, then watch me squirm as I had to hold it in. He made me, with my hands behind my back, fish an apple core out of a bin then crawl wriggle across the room with it in my mouth. There was a lot of urine stuff, I like that.
My boyfriend knows I like a bit of water sports but he’s not into it so said he’d try it cus I’m into it but he’s not keen, so I can’t exactly make him do it. We have very vanilla sex in pretty much the same position, and usually in the bed, but it’s the best sex I’ve ever had. (plantagra)
Working Girls

Credit: Vladimir Gjorgiev/Shutterstock
I’ve slept with a lot of escorts. I’m disease free, so there’s that, but I know its a deal-breaker to many women. (HeilMeinFurry)
Your girlfriend sucks

Credit: Mr Aesthetics/Shutterstock
Back in my younger years I was experimental, i had sex with several transgender women, in which I would perform oral sex on them and then top them. They were very passable to a point that you wouldn’t have known they were transgender if you seen them in public. While I enjoyed it, I haven’t done it in years. I’ve told several of my past partners this and they were cool about it, one in fact wanted to have a MFT threesome, but my current gf is kind of homophobic so telling her this is out the question.(Filmguy313)
You made a choice

Credit: Daniel_Dash/Shutterstock
That I have gone to several swinger gangbang parties. Out of respect for her and our marriage vows, I won’t go now. I still think about those dirty sluts everyday. (slipperylips)
Oink Oink

Credit: beornbjorn/Shutterstock
Throwaway. I used to meet up for a sex with a man who would dress in a full rubber suit and a rubber pig mask where he would drink my piss off the floor and suck my cock. Possibly the oddest thing about this story is that I don’t think my SO would actually care all that much, but we’re a few years in now and I’m not sure how I’d broach it, hmm. (rbpggugu)

Credit: Dmitri Ma/Shutterstock
I had a D/S relationship with a woman over 20 years older than me. We did cam shows, filmed ourselves in the act, posted photos, even went to a sex shop and performed in a booth for a few strangers and she did a cumwalk back to the car. It was the peak of my deviant sex life, but my current SO is far too vanilla to know about any of that. TheNerevar89
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