According to data from, January 3rd is the best day for online dating of the year! Hooray! Now instead of wanting to throw your phone into the river after every gross message from a dude, you can have three times the amount.
In all seriousness though, perhaps this is a good thing? Maybe it means folks are feeling more open to partnering up together as we enter the thicket of winter hibernation, whether it be for hookups or LTRs.

Source: knowitallnancy
This dating spike is part of a larger trend that proves the period between Christmas Day and Valentine’s Day as the most booming time for online dating activity. Makes sense.
Basically it’s post break-up season and the start of “get a date for Valentine’s Day” season. You all ready to brush up your selfie game? It’s ok if not, personally I’m going to up my Neko Atsume game.
Original by: Katrin Higher