DIY isn’t something exclusive for men, and girls are allowed on the fun too. But unlike guys, girls don’t really care about home fixing tips, or building tips, or anything of the king. What women are really into is clothing tips, makeup tips, and any others that appeal to them.
They like things that allow them to reuse old clothing pieces, create new beauty products, and other things that spark the innovative nature of women. Truthfully, the world of women DIY is as just as exciting as men’s, and we are going to talk about that.
In this article, we are going to give you our best girl-style DIY tips that will allow you to explore your more innovative side.
1. Reusing Your Old Jeans

Source: IMG SRC
Fashion changes as the years go by. What was cool and IN a few years ago has certainly lost its place today. Most of the modern-day jeans problems occur when wearing boots. The main problem is that it makes it hard to zip the boot through the jean. This is something that occurs when you don’t tuck in the jeans properly, leaving uncomfortable and unflattering fabrics to be spotted through the boots.
To solve this issue, simply fold the bottom of the jeans to an appropriate size, and then fold them again on the side. Next, you should wear a sock over the bottom of the jeans, which will keep the folding in place and there you have it, no more problems.
2. DIY Blackheads Removal

Source: Wolipop
Your very own homemade blackhead removal can cost nothing and require nothing, but give you the desired results. If you’re ever too lazy to go out and buy a product than do know that you can make your very own solution for it right at home with only a few things.
The necessary ingredients for it include 1sp gelatin and 3 tsp milk. You stir these two together, add them in a water mix that’s heated before, and simply apply it to the desired area of your face. This natural DIY solution costs nothing and peels off like any other product out there. But the best thing about it is that it works just as effective as any other product.
3. Grow Your Shoes

Source: thelist
There is a simple life hack that will allow you to never have to throw away your shoes ever again. As we are humans and we tend to grow as we get older to a certain age, our clothes and shoes have to suffer at the hand of it.
In that case, the only option we have left is to throw them away, or better yet give them to someone or to charity. And while donating to charity is something that everyone should do, there is a DIY life hack that will allow you to preserve your shoes, even if you’ve grown them.
The simple method to achieve this can be done by simply placing bags half-filled with water in them, and placing the entire shoes in another bag. After that, put everything in the freezer and wait until the water freezes. Take out the shoes from the freezer and watch as you’ve got a size bigger.
4. Printing Your Own T-shirt

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash
DIY homemade T-shirt printing isn’t something new, thanks to the rise of technology. As T-shirt printing is probably the best way to personalize your cute apparel, it is done to a quite large extent. However, to DIY print your T-shirts, you need the tools that will allow the process to become a reality. For this, you will need the helping hand of an inject printer.
As conventional printing is way too expensive for clothing and even paper, an excellent way to get the fullest value for your money is to use the HP Instant Ink subscription printing service, according to
5. DIY Slippery Shoes

Source: ВКонтакте
Shoes are meant to be worn out; it’s one of their many purposes. Our shoes suffer at the detriment of protecting our feet from the elements outside. However, when our shoes get worn out, they can become slippery when talking on certain surfaces or when a surface is wet, or even snowy.
To solve this issue, you can use a method of drawing glue lines on the soles. This simple yet highly effective method can be done with a glue gun and a glue stick, which your man probably has lying somewhere in the house.
Take the glue stick and place it in the gun. Then proceed to draw squiggly lines on the soles and wait for it to dry off.
6. Emptying Your Bottles of Makeup

Source: The Property Centre
Every girl knows that emptying a liquid makeup bottle is a nightmare. Not only have you paid for it, but much of it ends up being unused due to the unconventional problem that comes with the bottle itself. However, rest assured as there is a way for you to use up all of the liquid makeup in bottle containers. The simple method is to use an ordinary straw and cut only one site to resemble a scoop.
This easy DIY solution will put an end to wasting makeup when it nears the end.
7. DIY Bag Carrier

Source: Amazon
Isn’t it frustrating when you’re off grocery shopping and no one’s home to help you get the bags in? This means that you have to do multiple runs to the car, which is exhausting and annoying. Well, put all your troubles away since there is a simple way to carry more bags in one run. The answer comes in the form of a snap hook or carabineer.
Namely, a snap hook helps you since you can hook all the bags to it and effectively carry only the hook. That’s not to say that the run will still be heavy, but you won’t end up with your hand getting all wrinkled from it.
If you don’t own one, you can always make your own out of wood, just remember to soften the grip as you don’t want to end up getting a wrinkled arm palm.