Nootropics are natural cognitive enhancers that can improve your cognitive performance, increase your focus, make you more energized, and even improve your sleep. They provide a whole range of essential benefits to help you perform at your best. These supplements are not magical pills, but they can play a crucial part in improving your performance. But how can they help you? After years of investigating and experimenting with nootropics, here is my proven process that already helped thousands of people.
We have to define a goal

Source: medium
It is essential to define what goal we want to achieve with nootropics. This is crucial because only once we identify our goal, we can search for the right one that can support it. Many people take random nootropics without a clear purpose, and I can imagine most of them are not satisfied with the effects they get. So, before you take anyone, think about what do you want to achieve. Here are a few options:
- Enhanced focus
- More energy
- Improved productivity
- Better sleep
- Feeling more relaxed
We have to define our budget

Source: nootropics.healthymentals
Once we set our goal, it is vital to decide on the monthly budget we are willing to invest in nootropics. Nootropics can be very affordable (a couple of dollars per month), but they can be ridiculously expensive (150$/month+). Are they more costly also more effective? According to Greg, the Founder of YourInception, not necessary, it depends on our goals.
Most high-quality nootropic stacks cost between $50-100 per month. If you can afford such a budget, you are on the safe side. Finding reliable sources for high-quality nootropics supplements in Europe or any other location can sometimes be a challenge, but it’s crucial to prioritize authenticity and safety when making such investments. Exploring reputable online platforms or local health stores that adhere to stringent quality standards can contribute to a more positive and effective nootropic experience.
We have to make a schedule

Source: nonamesun56
Once we know our goal and budget, we need to make a schedule. This includes the exact nootropics we will take, when will we take them, how will we cycle them, and other supportive activities we will do to get better results.
For example, if we want to improve our sleep quality, then we need to find the most effective nootropics for sleep. But just taking sleep nootropics isn’t enough – we also have to optimize our overall sleep. We need to make a sleep schedule and improve our sleep conditions.
In general, I recommend the following:
- Take it for enhancing energy and focus in the morning with your breakfast
- Take it for relaxation during the day
- Take it for better sleep about an hour before sleep
It is also important to avoid taking nootropics that contain caffeine at least one hour before sleep.
We need to stick to our plan

Source: purelyb
I often hear stories from people who were taking it for a couple of days, but then they stopped because they were “not satisfied” with the results. The problem is that you can not expect magical effects in a couple of days. They are supplements, and this means it takes more time for them to provide the benefits.
Many nootropics have proven effects – some provide short-term and other long-term effects. That’s why it is important to follow the plan for a few weeks before you judge the effects.
We have to take care of ourselves

Source: getomnimind
I have been told several times that many people decrease sleep length after they start taking nootropics. They do so because they wrongly believe that they need less sleep because of the nootropics. Such thinking is wrong and potentially harmful. You are not taking nootropics to cut your sleeping time, for example, but rather to increase the quality of your sleep. By doing that, you will have more energy the next day so that you might be more productive. But as soon as you start sleeping shorter, nootropics won’t be able to help you much.
Look at nootropics as your support tools

Source: knowledgeformen
As I mentioned before, nootropics are not magical pills. As soon as you understand that, you might start treating them differently. In my opinion, you should look at it as your support tool. You still have to do the hard work, but with taking high-quality supplements, working becomes slightly easier, slightly more engaging, and somewhat more fun.
Nootropics are not your shortcut to success, but they will support you on the way and make sure your path will be easier. Don’t forget that.
Most of them do not provide extreme positive benefits. Just the contrary, you can take them for weeks without noticing any effects whatsoever. Does this mean they don’t work? Not at all! Many of them have scientifically-proven benefits, so you can be sure they are providing the benefits your brain needs.
But since their effects are generally mild, it is hard to feel that anything is going on. Now, if you understand how they work, then there should be no issues. If not, however, you might be disappointed because you will wonder, where are all the positive benefits everyone is talking about?
To conclude, you can dramatically improve your performance if you follow the plan. Start by defining your goals, set your monthly budget, make a daily schedule, and stick to it. I recommend taking the same nootropics for at least 3-4 weeks before making any conclusions.
Some (like the famous Bacopa Monnieri herb extract) need even longer – from 6-8 weeks. That is why it is so important to stick to take them for more extended periods.
Also, try to optimize your sleep at the same time, eat as healthy as possible, train in the gym, and do everything else to stay healthy and sharp. That is the plan that can help you improve your performance, make you healthier, more energetic, and make you feel better.
If you are not satisfied with the ones you are taking, you can always switch them, experiment further, and find the right nootropic supplement for your needs. Oh, and give nootropics enough time to show their real power.
So be smart, follow the plan, and you will soon see great results.