It’s the small things that can make a lot of difference to the people you love and care about. While everyone likes presents and gifts, it’s the small things that actually show your love and dedication to the closest people in your life. Such small things are good night messages. As the name suggests, good night messages can be simple yet very meaningful messages that can have a positive effect on the person’s mood for the next day. Their content can be filled with love, cute, romantic, and caring, words that will add a few stairs to the night sky. In fact, when sending any type of message, it’s all about choosing the right words. While no one really puts much thought when sending a good night message, it’s vital to understand that the word selection can have a huge impact on the message itself.

Source: pinterest
Sending good night messages to your friends and loved ones will show your love and dedication for them. It shows them that they mean something to you, and that is a very special feeling to have for someone. Sending good night messages will bring sweet dreams to the people closest to you because the night is a very special period. So special that it lets you dream about the future and forget about all your troubles.
Below we have a collection of good night messages for both friends and loved ones that are funny yet meaningful.

Good Night Messages for Friends and Loved Ones
Here we have a collection of good night messages that will have a positive effect on your loved one’s dreams, and they will definitely wake up with a smile on their face.
- “No matter how hard thing was today, tomorrow brings a fresh opportunity to make things better. Always end the day with a positive thought and good night!”
- “Rest your sleepy head, my love. The time has come for me to tuck you into your bed. I wish you sweet dreams, my love. And I wish all the stars would come down just so that you can make them as beautiful as you are.”
- “I wish you sweet and peaceful dreams. I wish for you to drop all your worries, and enjoy the good night’s rest. For tomorrow is a new day, and a new challenge arises.”
- “The best feeling in the world is when you go to bed knowing that you have accomplished all that you set out to do. Good night my love.”
- “The sun has set, and the moon has risen. The day has come to an end, and now it is the lady night’s time to shine. Good night my love, for tomorrow is a new day filled with joy and love.
- “I wish your dreams be filled with wonder and joy. Enjoy the night and forget all about the bad things happening in the world. Good Night my dear”.

Source: YouTube
Apart from good night messages, a constant rise has become good night images. These images are filled with good night content in writing and usually accompanied by a wholesome image. Good night images are a great way of reminding your loved ones how much you care for them. The thought of receiving a good night image from your loved one right before you close your eyes at night will put your mind at ease knowing you have someone that cares for you greatly.