There’s a reason that certain “your mom” jokes are so well known: because, for most people, there’s no worse thought than someone you know sleeping with your mother. So when this guy wanted to get revenge on a bully, that’s exactly what he did.
As if that weren’t bad enough, he revealed what he did on a radio show where thousands of people could hear… and he seemed perfectly proud of himself.

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Need Some Help
A Boston radio station, Hot 96.9, was on the phone with a woman named Arielle, who was trying to get in touch with someone she went on a date with. The host said, “Alright, so we just spoke to Ariel. She went on a date with Rob, and there is a twenty year difference between them, but she said they had a fantastic date, and they even got romantic after the date, right Ariel?” She replies, “Yes. A few times.”
The host goes on, “And now he’s ghosting. Nothing, she’s trying to get a second date with him, but he’s not available. So we’re going to give him a call for you. Okay, you stay quiet.”
They dial the man she went on a date with. When he picks up, they say,“Rob, it’s Ramiro, Pebbles, Melissa and Wiggy from Hot 96.9… We’re calling you because we got a call from a lady who likes you a LOT and would love to go on a date that we would be willing to pay for… And the best part is you already know her, so you’re not going to be sketched out. Her name is Arielle.”
Rob replies, “Wait, are you serious right now?” The hosts respond, “100% serious. Here’s the thing: she called us and told us, according to her, how great the date was. By the way, you, my friend, are a master in the bedroom. And she says she’d like to see you again, but she doesn’t know how to get in contact with you.”
Rob seems shocked. He says, “Wait a minute, so… You guys said you were, like, a radio station, right?… And she called you because she thinks I’m great and she wants to go out with me?… I can’t believe this is actually happening right now dude, this is hilarious.”

“Too Perfect”
Then he reveals what his true intentions were. He says, “Look, this is going to make me sound like a huge asshole, but, whatever. So this was all kind of a revenge thing? Like, I saw her online, I recognized her last name, and it turns out her son actually would bully the s**t out of me, and so I figured if I could f**k his mom I would rub it in his face.”
The hosts scream, “You have got to be kidding me! Oh my God!” and reveal, “Rob. That’s awful. That’s crazy and Arielle’s on the phone so she heard you say that.”
Arielle furiously chimes in, “Are you serious? You’re friends with Sam?”
Rob says, “No! I’m not friends with your a**hole son! Look, I don’t know if you didn’t care what he was doing or anything, but he was a total prick to me and ruined my life, and now I guess I’m returning the favor.:
Arielle asks, “So this was all devised… like, what does that do for me? I can’t believe you would be that disgusting of a person to do something like that!”
Rob laughs, and seems to be more than happy about the turn of events. He says, “Look, it is what it is. I cannot wait to tell him that you called a radio station because you wanted to see me again that bad. This is too perfect.”

Credit: Minerva Studio/Shutterstock
The Plan
The hosts ask to clarify, “The plan was to go on a date with her, treat her nice, just so you could have sex with her? Just so you could rub it in the dude’s face?”
Rob reveals the second part of his plan. “Uh, partly that, but I took mad pictures, yo.” Then he says, “This is the best day of my life right now.”
“I’m just in shock,” Arielle says. “You are a disgusting person, Rob, you are disgusting.”
Rob grows angry and says, “Oh, I’m the disgusting person? How about when your f**king idiot son used to shove me in a locker and throw s**t at me? He didn’t just do that because he’s a bad person. That was learned behavior, b***h.” Arielle replies, “You know what? You’re a little son of a b***h, and you probably deserved it. For what you did today, you probably deserved it back then, and it’ll come back and get you again.”
The hosts want to figure out what Rob’s plan is. They ask, “So what are you going to do? You’re going to hit the guy up and say I f**ked your mom?”
But Rob has a plan. He says, “No, I’m planning on sending your son a text, and it’s gonna be two words and say ‘I win.’ And when he says ‘Why?’ It’s gonna be that picture that I took of you.” The host asks what the picture is, and Rob says, “Oh, it’s my d**k in her mouth.”
The host says, “Jesus, this is like… this is classic. So, originally we were calling to see if you wanted a second date with Arielle, I’m guessing that it’s no?”
Unsurprisingly, Rob replies, “No, I got everything I needed from her.”

Credit: Snezana Ignjatovic/Shutterstock
Arielle threatens, “Let Sam see you, see how he used to beat your a** back then he’ll beat your a** again.” But Rob replies, “Oh, I don’t think so. I’ve been taking Krav Maga, so if he comes anywhere near me I’ll kick the s**t out of him after f**king his mom.”
Listen to the full interview above.
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Original by Emily Hingle