A woman’s hair is her trademark and her best natural accessory. Which says enough about why they spend some much time and energy grooming it. Having healthy, well-styled hair doesn’t come as easy most may think. Certain myths say that having short hair, means less care and vice versa, but in reality, regardless of the length to attain a good-looking hairstyle, you need time and effort.
Another proof of how much women care about their looks is the fact that there are countless myths passed from one generation to another. The roots of the majority of those myths can be extremely senseless and bizarre, while some can make sense and can have scientific and logical proof. The bottom line is that the secret of nice hair lies in the right approach towards it, which again, has to be free of bizarre theories and myths.
Not all of them are created in the past and transferred from generation to generation, some have roots in the beauty industry, which is where they circulate. However, they are an obstacle to maintaining healthy hair. This is exactly why we have written an article, containing all the myths you should get rid of NOW, so you can have a healthy approach to your hair care.
1. It falls off due to frequent washing
Older generations of women have practically grown up being showered by this myth. Going back to your childhood, you must have heard from your mother or grandmother, if they notice it’s the second time in a week, you’re washing your hair. Hopefully, this famous line faded or is fading away with the modern moms.
Washing your hair has absolutely nothing to do with it falling off. If the hair is continuously falling off, it is more likely that a person has some dermatological problem, or lacks some of the vitamins (maybe B), or it’s simply the way the hair is. The only thing frequent washing can influence is the intensified oiling or the dandruff appearance. When washing the hair, shampooing is aiming to remove the excessive oil and dirt from the scalp. It is advised to wash the hair at least 3 times a week to make sure the scalp is clean and healthy. This means approximately every second day.
The root of this myth is probably somewhere in the ages when water was scarce when there were no showers and bathtubs when the soap was expensive and shampoo didn’t even exist. Believe it or not, this is the way it works. As they are passed on, we get stuck with them, in the era when all these things are accessible to everyone.
2. Cold water stimulates growth
People still tend to discuss whether human hair is “alive” or “dead”, and the same applies to the nails. Well, for those people, here’s a fact – even though it is the most precious asset on your head, it does not contain live cells. Therefore, it cannot react to heat. In other words, it does not like any kind of extremes, be it cold or hot. Some really enjoy showering with extremely hot water, especially during the winter, but this will do no good for the hair. When exposed to hot water it can, or it will dry out, dehydrate. While cold water can have a freezing effect. Searching for an optimal temperature, nor hot or cold is the right thing to do. The growth can be affected or stimulated by a good conditioner. For more advice on choosing the right conditioner, visit WomenPremiumBeauty.
3. One grey hair you pluck comes back times three
Those who care for your wellbeing probably gave the advice not to pluck your grey hair, otherwise, they will grow back, but triple. Have you ever tested this? If not, then you’re afraid of the myths. Get rid of the fear, because it’s useless. The truth is, if you pluck one out, it will grow back in the same color. So, there’s no use in plucking them out. Accepting the fact that your grey hair is normal and natural will save you misery.
4. Damaged hair can be fixed
To the disappointment of many, we have to tell you that there is no shortcut in reviving the damaged hair. When it’s damaged, it’s damaged. Many salons will try to sell you the products, guaranteeing they will fix your damaged hair. In reality, it won’t happen. All these products can do is to make the hair smoother to the touch and visibly the splits will be camouflaged (but still there).
The only permanent solution to the damages is to cut them off and take better care of your hair afterward. Regularly visit the hairdresser to get rid of the new ones that appear and hydrate it properly. That’s all you need to do.
5. If you cut it, it will grow faster
The average growing speed depends on you and your organism. Your hair grows in the same dynamics as always. Regardless of how often you cut it, the growing speed is still the same, approximately one centimeter a month. You can, however, influence how it looks, by cutting it regularly. Also, take care of what you eat, make sure you have enough vitamins and minerals, it will add to its shine.
During the summer, use the opportunity to avoid exposure to artificial heat sources, such as a dryer. The cleanliness will last longer, and it will be shinier.
6. The lemon juice myth
As soon as the summer season starts, the internet is overflooded with advice on how to make the hair lighter. Women who always wanted to try out highlighting, but were avoiding chemicals, especially fall for this myth. Will the juice make it lighter? Not really. If it was the case nobody would go for balayage, but buy a kilo of lemon and go to the beach. The only result a lemon can give you splits. So, think twice.
We have covered most of the myths, even though the list is long. Just make sure you think twice when someone tries to persuade you in nonsense.