Working from home seems to be the norm these days. People have no choice but to work at home due to the current pandemic. Working in an office where dozens of people gather in a closed space isn’t a good idea.
Although working at home is more convenient, it doesn’t free you of any responsibility. You still have to meet deadlines and report to your boss. The only difference is that you have to stay home and not prepare yourself to go to the office.
It might seem like a more convenient setup, but it could also be challenging. Imagine working in the same place for several hours each day. You’re alone, and you can’t have physical interaction with fellow employees. It could take a toll on your physical and mental health. These tips will help you stay safe and healthy even as you stay home to work.
Keep a regular schedule

Source: irishmirror
Even if you don’t have anywhere to go, it still helps to maintain a regular schedule. You need a sense of consistency. It also helps to have the purpose of waking up each day. Otherwise, each day won’t have any meaning for you. Eventually, you will lose interest in working hard, or even in pushing through the adversities in life.
Stand up every 30 minutes

Source: Health Plus Physical Therapy
The downside of working for hours on end at home is that you maintain the same position. It’s not good for your spine and overall posture. It would help if you stood up as often as possible to exercise your muscles. Try to do simple stretching exercises in between your tasks. You don’t need to do strenuous movements. The goal is to avoid maintaining the same position for several hours.
Don’t forget to exercise

Source: suntimes
Before the pandemic, you always had an excuse for not going to the gym. You didn’t have enough time because you were too busy with work. You also didn’t want to beat traffic heading to the gym. Since you stay home most of the time, you still can’t go to the gym. However, there are plenty of exercise techniques that you can do. You can even copy some of the best fitness tutorial videos online. Fitness experts created these videos and made them as easy as possible for someone like you to follow. Since you’re at home almost all the time and you eat more than usual, you have to try exercising more.
Don’t go beyond office hours

Source: Entrepreneur
Even if you’re working from home, your company only pays you for up to eight hours a day. Try not to go beyond the limit. If you started working late, you could finish late to compensate for the lost hours. However, if you started on time, there’s no need to work overtime. You deserve a break even if you’re only working from home. If your boss forces you to have a late-night meeting, you should decline. Unless you get paid for working beyond office hours, there’s no point in agreeing to a meeting.
Eat healthily

Source: Italian Guide
It’s easy to be lazy when you’re at home all the time. You don’t even want to select healthy meals. Since food deliveries became popular, it’s easy to type whatever food you want and have it delivered to your place. Before you know it, you’re already overweight. The truth is that since you’re at home all the time, you can cook whatever you want. If you don’t know how to cook, it’s the perfect opportunity to learn how to do it. If you cook, you can select the ingredients that go into each dish. You don’t have to depend on food delivery services anymore.
Connect with fellow employees

Source: bluejeans
Working from home might be suitable for people who want enough time to rest. However, it’s not ideal for those who suffer from mental health issues. Being in isolation for a long time only worsens things. Therefore, it helps to connect with your fellow employees. It feels good to know that you can still talk to the people you work with. Even if you don’t need them, you can still keep in touch with them. Perhaps, some of your fellow employees need someone to talk to. You’re lucky to live with family, and some of them are far away. Try to reach out and make sure that they’re doing well.
Observe proper posture while sitting

Source: thecontentfair
If your job requires you to sit for extended hours, you should at least focus on maintaining proper posture. You don’t want to end up with spine issues because of not observing proper posture. If you start having back pains and headaches as a result of your prolonged sitting, you should consider visiting a chiropractor. These experts know how to deal with those pains and ensure they won’t come back. Check out chiropractors at to help you in this regard.
Take it easy

Source: Raising Children Network
Another way to help you cope with mental health issues is to take it easy. No one feels comfortable with the current work condition. Adjusting to a work from home setting isn’t easy. However, you don’t need to rush the process. Try to take it easy and gradually adjust to the changes. Eventually, you will get used to them and feel a lot better.
See the doctor if necessary

Source: Health 3.0
Since we’re facing a pandemic, there still a possibility that you could get infected. You only head out to buy the essentials, but it’s enough to get exposed to people with the virus. Therefore, you should try to keep in touch with your doctor. If you start feeling some symptoms, you need to head to the hospital right away. Let your doctor know what you feel so that you can get treatment in an appropriate facility. Inform your employer that you don’t feel well so you can take a break from work.
Hopefully, you will learn how to adjust to this new work arrangement. You can inspire your fellow employees to do what works for you if they’re also having a hard time. We will get through this difficult challenge and come out better.