With the COVID-19 virus still raging, many places in the world have been placed into indefinite lockdown. Some people are finding this extremely difficult to deal with. As a result they are relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms. The unfortunate fact is that this can lead to the development of unhealthy habits.
No one can leave their home, making it impossible to go to the gym or even out for a run. Due to this many people are stagnating, and spending their days in front of the TV. In fact, dozens of people have put on enormous amounts of weight. Others have developed certain unhealthy habits such as abusing alcohol and drugs says Johnny K – owner of True Life Recovery detox program in Orange County, CA.
But here’s what you have to realize. Lockdowns can provide you with a huge opportunity for improving your life. Yes, this may sound clichéd, but getting through lockdowns is really all about your perspective. What this means is that you have to see this as a good thing. The best way to do that is to make use of this time.
What you also have to realize is that developing healthy habits are one of the easiest ways to deal with lockdown. Doing this will also help you pass the time faster. Below you’ll find several healthy habits that will prevent you from going stir crazy during lockdowns.
1. Exercise
As previously mentioned many people have stopped exercising during lockdown. This is something which you should avoid at all costs. Just because you can’t go to the gym or for a run, doesn’t mean you have to give up exercising.
There are many great ways to exercise at home. One of the easiest is to simply do bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, or squats. If you can afford it you may also want to invest in exercise equipment such as weights, or an exercise bike or treadmill. Skipping rope exercises are also a great way to lose weight, get into shape and pass the time.
If you’re something who usually stays in shape you probably don’t have to be told this. You’ve more than likely implemented some type of fitness programme during lockdown. The people who should pay attention to this are those who are overweight and people who never exercise. For those people, lockdown is the perfect time to implement some kind of exercise program.
Instead of sitting around and playing video games, browsing the internet, or watching TV, why don’t you transform your body? Imagine finally emerging from lockdown with a new, stronger and slimmer body. That would certainly be a useful way to spend your time!
2. Read Books
The sad reality is that most people rarely read books. Why not use lockdown to change this, and start exploring great works of literature? And you don’t have to read literature. There are dozens of excellent non-fiction books which can expand your mind, and teach you valuable skills. Getting into the habit of reading an hour a day is a great way to get through lockdown. It also has many great benefits such as helping you sleep, reducing stress, fighting depression, increasing your vocabulary, and also lowering blood pressure and heart rate.
3. Make Art
Making art can help to pass the time during lockdown. It will help to keep you sane and is also a great way to explore your creativity. If you’ve always wanted to write a novel then this is the absolute perfect time to do it. Or maybe you’ve wanted to learn how to paint or make some other type of art. It’s unlikely that something like this is ever going to happen again. Don’t waste this time. Not only that, you may find that you’re good at making art, and have gained a valuable skill which you can monetize after lockdown.
4. Clean Up Your Home
Many people have allowed their homes to turn into an absolute wreck during lockdowns. Dishes go unwashed and takeout cartons pile up by the dustbin. But here’s the thing: cleaning is an excellent way to maintain your sanity. You’ll find that it can have a soothing effect on your mind. It’s also extremely satisfying – especially if you’ve allowed your home to fill up with clutter and mess. Cleaning is even somewhat relaxing.
Along with cleaning your home you should also use this time to get rid of clutter and rubbish which has accumulated. Go through your cupboards and throw out anything you don’t use, or no longer need.
5. Mediate or Take Up Yoga
Two of the healthiest lockdowns habits you can develop are to meditate or do yoga. Both of these practices have dozens of benefits which will help you deal with the insanity of lockdowns. For example, meditating for only ten minutes a day can help you manage stress, develop self-awareness, focus on the present, reduce negative emotions, and increase your patience (a highly valuable skill during lockdown).
On the other hand, yoga also helps you relax and lower your stress levels. What’s more, it has dozens of physical benefits such as improving strength, balance, and flexibility. Yoga can also relieve back pain, boost heart health, help you sleep, give you more energy, and improve your mood.
Final Thoughts
Ultimately it’s all about learning how to use your time productively. This is really something you must strive to do. Unfortunately no one knows how much longer this is going to go on, but what you have to understand is that all things come to an end. Eventually the world will go back to normal. When that happens there are going to be two kinds of people. Those who sat around doing nothing and allowed their physical and mental health to decline, and those who used the time to better themselves and can get healthier as a result. Which type of person do you want to be?