Anesthesia made a lot of things easier, and possible. It became a necessity for almost every bigger procedure and we are all, needless to say, very thankful for it. It can save us from a lot of physical and mental pain and prevent us from forever carrying horrible memories of the surgical procedure. There are different types of anesthesia for different types of procedures. Even though the benefits of anesthesia are big and numerous, we still fear it sometimes. The biggest concern people have is typically about general anesthesia and it’s not surprising. That’s why today we’re going to be talking about different types of anesthesia, the risks that come with them, and the anesthetists.
The anesthetists

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Anesthetists are medical professionals that are there to administer the anesthesia and keep track of your recovery after the procedure. There are some anesthetic groups that offer their expertise when necessary. They are there when you need them and will guide you through the entire process of preparing for the surgery, the procedure itself, and will make sure everything is right during the recovery phase. Experts at Essential Anaesthetic Services say that fasting is mandatory prior to sedation or general anesthesia. Fasting can minimize the chances of any complications during and after the surgery. A light meal should be had around 6 hours before the procedure, while some clear fluids could be had up to two hours before the procedure.
4 main types of anesthesia

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Anesthetics are administered in order to reduce our sensitivity to pain. They can take different forms, from a numbing cream to the ones that are being administered intravenously. The type that will be used on you depends greatly on the type of procedure.
1. Local anesthesia
This type of anesthesia is used in the majority of cases as many procedures don’t require anything more than local anesthesia. The anesthesia is administered solely around the area that is going to be treated. If you ever had your wisdom tooth removed, you’re familiar with the local anesthesia.
2. Regional anesthesia
This anesthesia is administered near a cluster of nerves in order to numb a larger part of the body, for example, an entire arm.
3. Neuraxial anesthesia
It includes two types of anesthesia – epidurals and spinal. Anesthesia is administered near the spinal roots numbing an even larger part of the body than the regional anesthesia, for example, an entire lower part of the body.
4. General anesthesia
When general anesthesia is administered, you’re completely unconscious and don’t feel any pain at all during the procedure. General anesthesia is used during big surgeries where you are required to stay unconscious and unable to feel pain for a longer period of time.Â
The risks

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Complications from anesthesia are really rare today, but they’re possible. However, before the surgery you doctor will talk to you about everything you need to know and make sure that you are prepared for the surgery. They will ask you about your allergies, potential diseases, medical history, all of which will serve to minimize the chances of complications occurring during the procedure. There are some patients suffering from dizziness or nausea after general anesthesia, but those symptoms can be minimized and are short-lasting.