Our day begins with a morning cup of hot coffee. We are too much used to it. But what we don’t know is how long do coffee beans last? In other words, how long can we savour the flavour and aroma of coffee beans?
This is an interesting question for all coffee lovers. Coffee beans are natural products. It is the plants that yield them. As a result, they cannot remain fresh in their natural state for a very long period as every plant product decays.
Hence, the coffee beans start losing their natural properties – flavour and aroma – after a short time of storage. Besides, the durability of freshness, flavour and aroma depends on the quality of the beans.
That is why these natural qualities of coffee beans vary from one bean to the other depending upon the region of location of the gardens, weather and quality of the soil.
Presto Coffee Beans procures coffee beans from the most famous gardens and plantations located mostly in South American nations, including Brazil. Coffee beans plucked from the Brazilian gardens have the highest durability period of aroma, freshness and flavour.
The freshness depends primarily upon two factors: the processed and unprocessed nature of coffee beans. The roasted and processed beans can retain their inherent natural qualities for up to 12 months or one year.
Garden-Fresh Coffe Beans

Source: Gardening Channel
Presto Coffee Beans are packed immediately after sourcing. That is why they are simply unmatched in taste, natural aroma and flavour. No time is wasted for roasting beans and their air-tight packaging. It allows coffee lovers the world over to enjoy freshness as beans are processed soon after their sourcing.
In fact, if the coffee beans are processed without wasting any time after their plucking, they can be used for a longer period. If the time is wasted in their processing and packing, the basic or intrinsic qualities of the coffee beans deteriorate.
On the other hand, the processing of freshly plucked coffee beans is necessary to preserve it for a longer period.
It allows beans to retain all their qualities in their original natural state. The raw beans that have not been processed can remain in their original state retaining aroma and taste, for a longer period than the processed beans. But the raw beans must be stored in vacuum-packed containers to retain the natural qualities.

Source: Nikkei Asia
As the interesting question, how long do the coffee beans last retaining their original taste and aroma, the answer lies in how quick do we process them. If the beans are processed weeks after harvesting the beans, it is quite natural their intrinsic values will reduce.
This will reflect in their taste and flavour. The reason is much of their natural qualities will grow weak over the weeks. That is why the beans processed immediately after harvesting from the gardens are simply superb in taste and flavour when brewed. This is the secret of all the differences that coffee beans can make.
In other words, the coffee packets of Presto Coffee Beans can be termed as garden-fresh or fresh from the garden. This company waste no time in processing once the coffee beans are plucked from the gardens. As a result, processing and packaging are done immediately.
Such garden-fresh coffee will make the produce markedly different from others who store the beans for a longer period before processing.
As a result, a person sipping a hot cup of Presto Coffee will certainly find the differences in taste and aroma when compared with coffee of other companies processed after a considerable gap of their plucking.
Understanding How to Store Coffee Beans

Source: Coffee Sesh
The shelf-life of roasted coffee beans can be prolonged if it is not stored in a humid, moist and wet environment. The storage must be done in opaque, air-tight and dry containers to prevent oxidization of the product.
The ideal storage place should not be directly exposed to moisture, heat and sun rays. Darker and dry the place better is the chances of preserving the natural qualities of coffee.
Coffee packaging should be blended with passion, love, zeal and fondness. Timely processing and packaging is the result of such a vision.
James Hagerty’s love for coffee began when he was just six. It was at that age when he would find his father beginning his day fondly sipping a hot cup of coffee emitting aroma. Over the decades, Hagerty too became a coffee aficionado.
What is more, he entered into the coffee business. But more than earning money, his motto was carving out his place as a coffee visionary rather than a businessman. That is why he fondly handles the freshly plucked coffee beans and processes them maintaining all the guidelines of sustainability.
Hagerty strictly adheres to ecological concerns and contributes to keeping the green earth safe while harvesting and packaging the processed coffee. His packaging is absolutely ecology friendly. It ensures that no CO2 is released in the weather in the process of processing and packaging.
The Conclusion

Source: Presto Coffee Roasters
Presto Coffee Beans also maintains a close relationship with the coffee growers and often the team of the company visits the gardens and orchards to inspect if all ecological aspects necessary for sustainability are followed by them or not.
Inspections are regularly done to ensure that unnecessary chemicals are not used in the orchards as this is harmful both for the coffee plants and surrounding areas of the garden soil. Besides, the coffee produced organically is best for human health and also the sustainability of the bean’s quality.
Such coffee beans, produced organically without the application of chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides, certainly will have longer shelf value or remain fresh in aroma and taste for longer periods. To learn more about coffee & coffee beans check out CoffeeGearX.
You would know the difference that those organically produced beans immediately after the first sip of the cup. Yes! Coffee making is a matter of affection and love. Finally, it is an art!