There has been plenty of word regarding CBD products in the past few years. Cannabidiol products continue to rise in popularity ever more, although the craze has quieted down a bit. Considering the benefits of this naturally occurring substance on our bodies, it is more than understandable why it is so popular nowadays.
Furthermore, it is completely legal and not at all controversial as its cousin THC. Differently to THC found in marijuana, the CBD in hemp plants does not have any psychoactive and does not cause the infamous high. Therefore, it is legal and widely available in all sorts of different products.
From edibles like gummies and other sweets to topical products and cosmetics, CBD is all over the place. However, the oils are still the go-to form of consumption for most of the people who are willing to give it a shot. It is arguably the original way in which it was meant to be consumed so CBD is almost synonymous with this variant.
About CBD Oils

Oils themselves can also be consumed in different ways, more on which we will talk in the further sections. More importantly here we have to determine what the right dosage of this oil is, or rather, how many drops should you take. Especially as a beginner, it takes a lot of getting used to. Just like with other new things you try, you have to take it slow and build yourself up before moving on to higher and stronger doses.
CBD can be taken by just about anyone since it is full of positive sides both for our mind and out body. Despite this, too much of anything is not good so we should be careful. In this article we will focus on the exact amount of oil you should be taking and tell you why that is exactly.
If you have been on the sidelines up until now and you have a newfound wish to partake in the cannabidiol craze to treat your depression, stress, anxiety, chronic pain, or whatever else may be bugging you, it is the perfect time to start. To learn more in the meantime as well as to check out a great offer of CBD oil products, we highly advise you to visit
Can You Take Too Much?

The short and straightforward answer to this would be a definite yes, you can take too much. Can you overdose on it though? Not really. The damage would be mostly to your stomach and liver, as if you would consume too much of anything else especially if you combine it with other substances.
Appetite loss or changes, fatigue, nausea, and diarrhea are the common symptoms of consuming too much oil either in one go or over time.
The fact that CBD is still not regulated by the FDA means that there is a lack of enough research and studies into the problems of consuming too much, but to stay safe you should stick to the right dosage for you. Speaking of the right dosage of oil, let us determine how much you should take and how to calculate the tight dose size.
Most Important Factors

You yourself are the most important aspect to consider when calculating how many drops of oil to take. Your weight, the condition you mean to treat with the CBD oil, the chemistry and tendencies of your body and system, and the concentration of CBD in the oil are the most important factors that you have to consult. It is a highly variable and subjective thing to a lot of attention is needed if you wish the best results for your money.
The best way to do all of this is to consult your doctor, or at least do a lot of research about the best ways to do it yourself. In order to help you, we advise you to closely navigate through the table on the product you get and calculate as precise as possible how much CBD there is in a single drop. Then you will know the exact amount you are consuming and be able to tell exactly how much of it you can still take.
Usually, consumers start anywhere from 20 mg to 40 mg a day. Each week they increase the amount by an additional 5 gm to 10 mg, depending on the effects. You are free to continue increasing if you are not feeling any different, or if the effects are weaker than you would like them to be. For severe pain, 40 mg to start is enough. Increase this to 45 mg the next week, and then 50 mg the following. If you do not have strong pain or other symptoms, between 20 to 30 should suffice.
But how much is that in drops, we hear you ask? So, one drop of oil is around 0.05 milliliters (ml). This is how most droppers on CBD oil bottles work. If you read the packaging carefully, you should know the amount of CBD in the whole bottle. If there is 10 ml in the bottle, that is 200 drops. If that 10 ml bottle has a total of 1,000 mg of CBD, each drop will have around 5 mg of CBD. To reach the aforementioned 20 mg to 40 mg daily intake, you should consume between 4 and 8 drops. Simple math.
Conclusion and Takeaways
So to conclude, the most important thing to determine is the total amount of CBD in the bottle measured in milligrams, and the total amount of oil measured in milliliters. When you have these it is easy to divide how much drops you need now that you know that each drop is around 0.05 ml.
If you are a beginner, around 4 to 5 drop should be fine for the first week or two. Then you can start increasing it by a drop or two each additional week. If you want quicker, more durable effects for stronger pain and more serious mental issues like depression or anxiety, you can take between 5 and 8 drops per day. Try it out for yourself and see how you feel! For premium CBD oil you can check out https://www.