Scooters are a must have for the cool kids. Nowadays they don’t like to ride bicycles, or skateboards, they like their scooters better. And something they like even more are electric scooters, kids ride wild on them. Electric scooters are an easy way of transportation and children can learn how to be more responsible if they have one. We are going to give you some tips on how to choose the best electric scooter for your kid.
There are a few things you need to consider if you are buying an electric scooter because it’s not the same if you are buying it for your 6-year-old, or your 15-year-old kid. You need to look after dimension, safety, durability, battery life and speed of course. And there is something that you might think it’s not important, and for your kid definitely is the design.

First things first, the most important thing when you are choosing the best electric scooter for a teenager is the safety. You want your kid to be safe at all time so he/she must wear proper accessories, like helmets and kneepads. You have to explain it to your kid why these things are important. And as for scooters, you need to look for scooters with good brakes, and appropriately sized tires, you want to choose pneumatic tires if you plan to buy a faster model.
Another important thing is the speed, you don’t want a fast scooter for your 5-year-old, but if your kid is at least 11 or more, you can buy one that is a little bit faster. For the younger kids, an ideal choice is the one that can’t go faster than 10 miles per hour, and for the older ones, from 11 to 17 years old, you can buy those that can go 15 miles per hour.

Source: BuyTheTOP10
Battery life
You want to buy a product that has a good battery because the last thing you want is a scooter with a bad battery. Do the research and find a scooter with a battery that lasts longer, and doesn’t need to charge for hours. The best choice is the one with long-lasting batteries.
Choose the scooter that is made with steel-made frames, high-torque, chain driven motors. That means that your ride will last longer than others and they are going to be safe.

You don’t want to buy your 6-year-old kid a scooter that is made for a 12-year-old kid. You need to check the dimensions and see if the scooter will fit your child. If it’s too small or too big, the ride won’t be comfortable, and your kid won’t be happy.
Design and looks
And lastly, you want your little one to be satisfied with his new scooter. That means that you need to ask your kid what kind of scooter they want. What are the looks they are into, what is the color they want? It won’t be a good thing if you buy your kid a perfect scooter, with the accessories and the best performance, if they think it’s ugly.

Source: The Atlantic