Writing an essay for school can be a complicated but rewriting one can be even worse. The layout, flow, and structure of the composition need to be easy to read so that the average person can follow the points that you wish to make. In addition to that, you have to pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and capitalization—all while fixing what went wrong the first time.
Thankfully, following a few simple steps can make the essay rewriting process easier.

Source: .udemy.com
Make Notes
Sit down with your notebook and make a few notes on how you want the essay to scan instead of immediately starting to write. This will give you a kind of map with which to navigate the writing process. Give a brief outline of how you want the introduction to acquaint the reader with your ideas.
Then write a few sentences on what you want the first, second, and third paragraphs to state to carry your subject through to its conclusion. Then sketch out how you would like the essay to conclude, similar to wrapping a gift up with a nice bow on top.
Once you have your outline on how the essay should be presented, you will find the writing process much easier.
Source: writingelites.netTackling a Rewrite
Before you attempt an essay rewrite, it’s imperative to ascertain where you went wrong the first time. You can do this by asking your teacher what the problem was or you can read the correction script on the document you submitted. Either way, make sure you have a clear idea of where you can make amendments before you begin.
Make a list of all the points the correction notes have highlighted and systematically address every one of them as you read through the essay. This will make it a lot easier than randomly rewriting as you go through the piece.
If this seems like a tiresome way to attempt a rewrite or you are pressed for time and don’t have a couple of hours spare to do it, you can always use the helpful services of a reliable rewriting service. You just visit the website, click on the rewrite my essay section, and they will have your essay rewrite back to you on time and academically perfect.
Keep an eye on your deadline for when your essay rewrite is due when you use a rewrite service. The faster you need to have your rewrite done, the higher the rates will be. This is only fair for the academic writer who has to have it back to you in the shortest time.

Source: OurPublicSchool.org
Starting Fresh or Adding Extra Pieces
When you have to do your rewrite, sometimes it is just easier to type the entire essay out again instead of inserting your amendments into the sentences one at a time. If you do decide to copy and paste extra bits into your essay, try enlarging the font up a few sizes first. It’s much easier to insert letters into a large font script than it is to try squeezing your cursor into a tiny font.