Are you thinking about buying round sunglasses? This iconic look, made famous by none other than John Lennon of the Beatles is making a comeback. This guide will teach you how to properly rock this look without looking like a grandma.
Anyone with even a vague sense of fashion knows that every wardrobe requires at least one pair of cool shades that can be remarked as timeless. Especially if you are living in the tropics, sunglasses are an absolute necessity. And even if you are staying in a, mostly cloudy place, walking around under the bare heat of the sun could be dangerous to your eyes because of the UV rays.
If you have tried getting some online before, you already know just how tedious the process can be. It is time consuming and deceptively tricky if you have not figured out your look yet. You have to make sure to look at the different types and pick one that suits you best on
Considering Round Sunglasses

Source: fashiongum
There are many things that you have to consider first before choosing the right pair for you. First of all, and most importantly, you have to get that suit the shape of your head. Sad as it may seem, not everyone can strut with a pair of aviators and begin looking like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.
The second consideration that you have to keep in mind is the skin tone that you have. This is a much simpler task and given the variety of shades that they come in nowadays, you will always have a pair that suits your skin.
And finally find one that makes you feel comfortable having them on your head. How well any piece of garment looks on you is a direct function of how confident you are in wearing them. Make sure that any pair that that empowers you when them.
Here we will focus on the round type and how to rock them in the best way possible.
Round Sunglasses Making a Comeback

Source: randolphusa
There has been a lot of talk lately about round sunglass. Each major designer chain has rolled out its own version in both frame and lenses. Colorful lenses as well have been added to an already wide range of round sunglasses that are already sold in stores. And what has been the most striking development lately is the featuring of futuristic bridges that allowed round shades to cross into the fashion of the 2010s.
The round sunglasses is a far cry from the sleek look that normally project. The look is quite unique and it is not something that will probably gain as much followers as the more common shapes. Round sunglasses come in a lot of styles meaning you can express yourself in a lot of different ways. For example, you can go for unassuming and friendly, or go for sophisticated if you want depending on the frame.
Round glasses are low hanging fruits when we are talking about style points. Pick out one that fits your look and rack them up as you want.
Rocking Round Sunglasses is All about the Face Shape

Source: dhgate
Face shape and the shape of the sunglasses go with each other like the red carpet and high heels. The soft fabric underneath the hard soles feels the same way when you wear that was meant for the shape of your face.
Not everyone should get a round design. This can seem obvious but some do not succeeded in pulling it of. The trick to picking a pair is to get one one that makes you feel like you are not wearing shades at all. That might be a bit difficult to understand at first but once you start trying out frames and lenses then you will understand for yourself. Each one has a feature that makes it stand out but this should not over power your face. The shape should contour your head and make the frame seem like an extension of your facial features.
Round Sunglasses are for Simplicity

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Granny glasses are what they used to call the glasses when John Lennon was wearing it but today the round shape has made its way towards the spotlight. Not that it lost its first connection to Lenon, it still remains as a style that is stylish and bold.
The key to rocking round sunglasses is to appear simple. Blings and sparkles of any kind does not normally go with the simple round look. When wearing round shades, keep in mind that you will be judged by your entire look. The top you wear, shoes, jeans and even hairstyle should complement the look and do believe that some looks are a bit too excessive.
Size Matters

Source: riverisland
Sunglasses, or any form of glasses for that matter, have the ability to make the people wearing them look younger or older depending on what they want. If you wish to look younger, you wear big lenses. This gives out the impression that you have a smaller head thus resembling a person who is younger. If you want to look more sophisticated and mature to command respect for instance then sharper and smaller lenses are better. Accompany this with the right kind of color then you can look like whatever age you want.
Wear Round Sunglasses but by Not Wearing Them

Source: prettylittlething
Finally, as a last bit of advice, once you have a pair of round shades, you do not only have a facial accessory, you also have a head wear, and a neck bling. If you are not yet too comfortable wearing them, see if you can let it dangle in front of your shirt and illicit some responses. Put them on your head and see how well it looks.
Sunglasses, with their fine frames are basically jewelry, if you only know how to wear them that way.