If you are running any kind of business, then attracting people to your store is very important. You have to increase the foot traffic and have a chance to present your offer to potential customers. However, if you are in a popular line of business, meaning that you have a lot of competitors, especially in the neighborhood where your shop is located, this can be an extremely difficult task. Here are some tips on how to do that.
First of all, since more and more people use the internet to find what they need, you have to ensure that they will see your website. When building your website, make sure that not only it loads quickly, but that it is also mobile-friendly. We all know how important our smartphone devices are to us, so there is no need to further emphasize how and why this is important. Besides creating informational content, you should also include some keywords. Think of the phrases that people are likely to type in when conducting the search and focus on the local searches. This means that you should include the name of the town or block where your store is. If you need some help when designing a website, contact https://search-recon.com/

Source: inc
Furthermore, add the address of your shop to Google maps. Many people believe that listing their address on the website is enough, but often it isn’t. If customers have any trouble with navigating your website, the chances are that they are not going to even try to find the exact location. When you add your store on Google maps, you are increasing your foot traffic. As soon as people type in keywords, not only will they find your website, where they can learn more about your products and prices, but they will also be presented with your exact location and the program will show them how to get to you and how much time they will need.
In addition, you can collaborate with the local newspapers or bloggers. We are not talking only about running ads, but you can also write some interesting articles and ask them to publish them and share them on their web pages and social media accounts. This is a great way to advertise your business and connect with customers without using common ads. You can write about some popular topics that people are interested in and find a way to present your business through those articles.

Source: towardsdatascience
Lastly, another great way to attract people to your store is to offer them some sort of discount. Everyone loves these, right? If you are already utilizing an email marketing strategy, you should send your customers some coupons that they can use in your shop. Not only will they come and make a purchase, but they will also get familiar with your other products and new collections (depending on the type of business you are running).
To conclude, these are some tips on how you can increase the foot traffic in your store via the web. But you shouldn’t also forget about things you can do to draw those who pass by your shop every day. Display your products at the shop window, and make sure to decorate it appropriately to make it attractive to everyone who sees it.