Tyler Valenzia, Marine Corps member and Instagram influencer, made his Instagram account to show his way of lifestyle and his everyday work out. Very quickly, he gains a huge army of followers on this social platform, so he turned his account into a place where he made a community with healthy habits. His followers are truly inspired by this young man, who advises them daily on how to become the best versions of themselves.
At the age of six, Tyler has already known that the sport will be an important part of his life. He got interested in weight lifting by the age of 14, and since then, he practices that. His role model in that period was famous Arnold Schwarzenegger and the person from who he has learned the basis of bodybuilding on YouTube.
When he was 16, he went to the gym weighing around 160 pounds and set a goal for himself to weigh 180 pounds by the beginning of his senior year. Tyler has worked so hard, and he succeeds in his record a day before his first day of senior year.
‘’It was incredible to see my transformation from 14 to 18 years old,” he said in one interview.
He joined the United States Marine Corps at the age of 19, and year after, he is stationed in San Diego, California, when he is using his Instagram account to inspire millions of young people out there.

Source: Instagram
The main reason why he is sharing his lifestyle on the Instagram account is that he wants to share his journey and inspire young people all over the world. His mission is to help people manage life’s obstacles and inspire them to achieve their goals.
‘’Everyone has obstacles in life. It’s up to each one of us to make things happen, to do the things we want to do. So, if you want time to do the things you want to do, then you have to make time. Don’t use excuses to justify not doing whatever it takes to make things happen. Always stay consistent and make it happen”, he explains his path.

Source: Instagram
He stands out from a huge number of Instagram influencers because he is just himself, and the public recognizes that.
‘’I love being able to be myself and not take life so seriously all the time. I enjoy having fun and doing the things that make me happy. Also, being the United States, Marine has opened so many doors for me. It’s helped me to stand out amongst others,” he added.
One of the most important things on the social platform is, to be honest with your followers and give them the right advice, and Tyler knows that.
He helps people to achieve their goals on Instagram, and he has over 200,000 followers at the moment. He makes a positive and encouraging content daily on Instagram, and his audience loves that.