A lot of companies and business-minded individuals support good causes. This social consciousness can be very advantageous for a business as it draws customers in. Texas native Justin Kimbrough has gone a step further by turning a cause into a business.
Owning multiple businesses is already an impressive accomplishment, but the fact that Justin is doing that at only 23 is mind-boggling. He started out on his entrepreneurial journey at 15 by mowing lawns, and when he was 18, Justin met penny stock trader Timothy Sykes who inspired him to find financial freedom while gaining more leisure time.

Source: instagram.com
This young entrepreneur has other businesses including a trucking company and social media advertising agency. In the wake of the COVID pandemic, these are ideal industries to be a part of. Logistics are more important than ever to restock supply chains with goods such as food and PPE. As businesses have shifted online and are relying on digital advertising, social media use has skyrocketed, especially social media for businesses.
Justin’s companies are service based as he believes in giving back to the world and assisting others. Part of this is by helping people make more money to improve their quality of life. And a good life is something Justin is quite familiar with as he spends his time playing golf and travelling with the ambitions to become a billionaire then give his fortune away.
Not just a serial entrepreneur, Justin considers himself as an environmentalist. This led to his biggest project yet, ‘Save Our Earth’. Like countless others, he is offering his help to people for surviving the COVID-19 pandemic. Save Our Earth is thus giving away some products for free, including FDA-approved hand sanitizers.

Source: instagram.com
This hand sanitizer, however, is a little different from others. It is fragrance-free and alcohol-free, but this all-natural product has been proven to kill microbes, including the coronavirus. It does not contain any harmful chemicals and the packaging is made from 100% recycled plastic.
For each bottle purchased, Save Our Earth is committed to planting 3 trees. Another objective is removing trash from the oceans and turning landfills into sustainable energy sources using solar ponds. Justin has 40 patents on this exciting new technology designed to reduce the amount of waste that goes into our environment.
Seeking to be a solution rather than part of the problem, Justin has launched the Save Our Earth Club, where a monthly membership fee of $20 goes towards fighting pollution and climate change. These are monumental issues, in that our planet only has so much space and climate change has been named a threat to humanity. Sadly, the space issue has resulted in trash going into the oceans.
You’ve probably heard of the massive Great Pacific Garbage Patch, but did you know there are 4 others like this? There is an estimated 150 million tons of waste polluting the world’s marine environments, with another 8 million tons being added each year. Now, Save Our Earth is trying to get people to help reduce this pollution and save the planet.

Source: instagram.com
While these might sound like large numbers, a lot of people don’t understand how dire the waste problem is. There are over 6 billion people on this planet. There are only so many resources and so many places we can put our waste. Reduce, reuse, and recycle is a great concept, it is worthless unless people take action. This would help with the problem, but we are at the point it might be too little too late.
6 billion people equals 2 billion tons a ton of solid waste a year worldwide. Yes, that is billions with a “b”. To envision this much trash, it is enough to fill 800,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The United States only recycles 35% of its solid waste and the world’s most efficient recycler is Germany at 68% of their solid waste being recycled. While the USA is the world’s leading producer of trash, it is also the only developed nation that generates more waste than it is capable of recycling. This has not only generated an environmental crisis but serves as a threat to human health.
Sadly, the garbage crisis is treated as a political issue with very different solutions being proposed to handle it. If anyone is going to make a dent in this problem, it is the private sector. Particularly, it is going to be people like Justin who are taking active initiatives to find solutions to this widescale problem. Seeing how much action is needed prompted this environmentalist to start an initiative to let others be part of the solution as it is going to take an enormous effort to roll back the damage we’ve caused.

Source: instagram.com
As Justin is always up for a challenge, especially when it has to do with something he believes in, that entrepreneurial spirit kicks in and simply redirects the energy to the problem at hand. This is how Save Our Earth was created. By seeing it would take a substantial group to address this problem, Justin realized his non-profit would need to run on a subscription-based model to generate the funds needed to help our planet heal. It also created a community of people who believe in a common cause and can network to generate more education and fund-raising events for this critical global issue.
Managing multiple ventures at once like his trucking company and his social media advertising agency, Justin is a very busy guy. Yet, Save Our Earth is a labor of love for him, and one that he does not mind devoting long hours to. Here’s to hoping that for the sake of our planet, his ingenious ideas generate the changes he is seeking to make.