You have seen Excel in your Microsoft Office Package. If it is not your favorite program, you just have not learned how to use Excel in the most effective way. It can help you in numerous ways on different occasions. Let us cleave to the matter at hand. What is Microsoft Excel? In most general terms, it is a spreadsheet program. With the help of this software, you can organize information in convenient tables (in rows and columns). In this format, it is much easier to enter, process, and manipulate different data. This functionality comes in handy when you have to deal with a large amount of information or huge data sets.
Microsoft introduced Excel to users almost 35 years ago. Since that time, the program has gained popularity in different industries and sectors. Today, it is used by millions if not billions of people all over the world. Unlike other ever-evolving technologies, this software has not changed a lot. You can also ask for excel project help from the to advance your skills and get the most out of it. The program you are using today and the version used by your grandfather are much the same. Despite this old-fashioned adherence to tradition, the following software has preserved the lead in many domains. It is in demand even today.
Even with the availability of multiple alternatives that offer higher efficiency and more understandable interfaces, Excel still is the most popular database software in the world.
As a high school student, you used it for nothing more than creating simple tables and reports. This software is much-much more complex than you might imagine. Are you aware that the following software can:
- Help organize data in a convenient format;
- Provide basic and complex mathematical routines (you do not have to make all those calculations on your own);
- Turn raw data into understandable and visually appealing charts and graphs;
- Analyze information and make predictions;
- Create Pixel Art images (yes, it is not a mistake! Artists use math software, as well. Is not it amazing?)
It is a very short list of what this old-timer can do. Each task can be easier if you are aware how to use Excel.
Reasons to Learn How to Use Excel
1. To Gain a Competitive Edge
It does not matter in what industry you are looking for employment. Most employers are hunting knowledgeable and smart people. Being able to work in Excel can be a solid proof of your proficient analytical and problem-solving skills. With this knowledge in your professional backpack, you can stand out of the crowd as a valuable candidate. Many HR specialists include knowledge of this software in job specifications, even if the position is not directly related to math.
 2. To Improve the Quality of Work
In Excel, you can create nice reports, graphs, charts, and dashboards. You can present data in a visually appealing format. These objects can be used in Word files and PowerPoint presentations to be shown to a wider audience of readers or viewers. The application of standard templates and software-supported formulas can help you avoid simple calculation errors. In such a manner, you need to check the accuracy of the formula only. You do not need to waste time on growing through all results.
3. To Organize Data Effectively
Spreadsheets are the most common and convenient data collection tools. Excel is a spreadsheet program. This software allows users to organize and manage information in a convenient way. Raw data are usually difficult to understand, analyze, and process. Excel offers advanced capabilities, with which the task can be much easier. When pieces of information are organized effectively, you can make necessary manipulations and calculations in a few clicks. At the end, you should transfer the results to charts and graphs for future presentation.
4. To Make Calculations Easily and Quickly
Let us suppose that you need to determine a standard deviation. You grab a pen and a piece of paper and start the process. You need to calculate the variance. Then you have to determine the data average and make some other manipulations before you can develop a formula of standard deviation.
Well, if you had Excel, the solution would take you less time and effort. This software offers you STDEV.P. With this simple function, you can get a standard deviation in a few seconds. In a similar manner, AVERAGE and SUM help you calculate data average and sum values accordingly.
Excel has almost 500 functions that can be used in solving different Math, Statistics, Logic tasks, etc. Consider that there is an Excel function for each and every calculation.
 5. To Improve Collaboration
Excel has become a part of our life. It has been integrated into add-ons and applications for not only computers but also various mobile devices. You can create a spreadsheet on your laptop, upload it to the online database, and then assess it from your browser whenever you might need it.
The recent version of Excel offers its customer a new co-authoring option. Now, a few people can work on the same spreadsheet simultaneously. Such instant changes make cooperation effective and pleasant. Take into account that joint efforts usually bring excellent results.
 6. To Get Instant Support
Excel has been in the market for many years. Its users have formed a very helpful online community to share hacks and discuss capabilities offered by this software. If you face a problem that you cannot solve, you can google the answer online. It is quite probable that someone in the world has had the same problem before and already offered a viable solution. If it does not help, check out forums of lovers (there are quite a lot) and ask them for advice. Also, try new templates available on the official website (Excel| New).
Excel is your key to the business world. The more you learn, the more you discover. In a matter of fact, this software has limitless capabilities.
Start learning how to use Excel today and make a significant contribution to your future.